The Heart's Secret; Or, the Fortunes of a Soldier: a Story of Love and the Low Latitudes.
Author: Maturin Murray Ballou Genre: LiteratureThe Heart's Secret; Or, the Fortunes of a Soldier: a Story of Love and the Low Latitudes.
witnessed it. Cold, dark and dreary cells, fit only to act as supports to the upper and better lighted portions of the dis
sick bed, and yet smarting under his wounds, found himself. He could now easily see the great mistake he had made in thus addressing General Harero as he had done, and also,
this matter; but to leave the air that Isabella Gonzales breathed, to be thus torn away from the bright hopes that she had given rise to in his breast, was indeed agony of soul to him now. In
t now, by a series of circumstances that looked like providential interference in his behalf, immense barriers had been removed. Thinking ove
th. At first all intercourse was strictly denied him with any person outside the prison walls, but one aftern
ars starting from his eyes, and his voice trembli
y, "how was it possible for you to gain admittance to me? You are
see if he could not in some way serve you. At last I went to Tacon himself. O, I do love
f what
ve; here, take this, it will pass you to the prison, and to Captain Bezan's cell;' and he wrote m
a dear and true friend." As the soldier said this, he turned to dash
y s
it is by his influenc
bella sa
ther and sister, Ruez. Yo
ral Harero had called repeatedly at the house, and Isabella had totally refused to see him; and how his father had tried to reason with
ore and more sad and thoughtful at each visit, for, boy though he was, he felt certain of Lorenzo Bezan's fate. He was not himself unfamiliar with military examinations, for
Havana, where but one side is heard, and condemnation is sure to follow, as was the case so lately with one of our own countrymen (Mr. Thrasher), and before him th
n, or mutiny, as it was designated in the charge; but in consideration of former services, and his undoubted gallantry and bravery, the sentence read to the effect, as a m
cer, as the question was thus put to him, before th
advocate of the court, "to be shot by the first f
ervice. But the young officer bowed his head calmly to the sentence, though at close observer might have seen a slight quiver of his handsome lips, as he s
mptings of love, life had discovered new charms for him; he lived and breathed in a new atmosphere. Before he had received the kind considerations of the peerless daughter of Don Gonzales, he c
, to win the heart and love of the proud and beautiful Isabella Gonzales. He had made her character and disposition his constant study, was more familiar, perhaps, with her strong and her weak points
f the fairy future he had dreamed of, that caused his proud
a prominent cause of disagreement and want of success between the Senorita Isabella Gonzales and himself was removed. Thus reasoning upon the subject, and thus influenced, he called at the house of Don Gonzales on the evening
do you do?" said the
ed the boy, sharply, and
at. I trust nothing se
is the rascality of human nature;" at the same moment he
used the general, to himself; "the b
room a moment after, "glad to see you; have had some unpl
" said the old gentlem
on Gonzales, and I trust we sh
lcony in another part of the room, for a moment, and then summoning a slave, sent his card to Senorita Isabella, and received as an answ
tence of Captain Bezan, now assumed its true bearing in his eye. Before, he had only thought of revenge, and the object also of getting rid of his rival. Now he fully realized that it had placed him in a most unpleasant situation, as it regarded the lady herself. Indeed he felt that had
was allowed him to arrange such matters as he desired, and then he was informed that he would be shot by his comrades in the execution field, at the rear
is welcome with Isabella and her father was at an end. But what was to be done? As we have said, he had gone too far to retrace his steps in the matter. Now if it were but possible to get out of the affair in some way, he said to himself, he would give half his fortune. Puzzling over this m
at the door caused him once more to open it, when an orderly led in a person who was closely wr
btain me those keys?"
them here, genera
need of my entering
this the door that leads to the under range of the prison. You will require no gu
hold me
ll ha
re are t
be about at the time specified, to ave
ay rely upon me in this business, since
ight, g
which General Harero closed and locked after him. Having consummated the preliminari
by the rules of the prison, and which were most grateful to him. More so, because, though this was never intimated to him, or, indeed, appeared absolutely obvious, he thought that oftentimes Isabella had selected these gifts, if indeed she had not prepared them with her own hands. A certain delicacy of feeling prevented him from saying as much to her brother, or of even questioning him upon any
e valley of death. Ruez, poor boy, was almost distracted at the realization of the young soldier's fate. Boy though he was, he had yet the feelings, in many respects, of manhood, and though before Lorenzo Bezan he said nothing of his coming fate, and i
orrow, as we have before observed, had never left him. His father's assiduous care and kindness, and Isabella's gentle and sisterly love for him, had in part healed the wound, when now his young and susceptible heart was caused thus to bleed anew. H
ought in, the blood he had seen flow like water, his own deep scars and many wounds, the pride and ambition of his military career, all were forgotten, and by Ruez's side he was perhaps more of a child at heart than th
s if it were day. Now and then a sentinel would pause, and resting upon his musket, look off upon the silvery sea, and perhaps dream of his distant Castilian home, then starting again, he would rouse himself, shoulder the weapon, and pace his round with measured stride. Lorenzo Bezan, the condemned, had knelt down and offered up a prayer, silent but sincere, for Heaven's protec
y, and in at half conscious, half dreamy state, to suggest some cause for the unusual phenomenon. It evidently worked upon his brain and nervous system, and he dreamed that the executioner had come
eam of light to stream across the cell, while the tall form of a man, wrapped in a military cloak
the direction of the corner where the prisoner was sleeping. The figure approac
uietly as though he was in his camp-
is person and discovered his rank-the strong light of the lantern fell full upon the sleep
already come? I though
and trust to die
wake!" said the new come
an there be that I ca
eplied the other, while he sha
ng," replied Lorenzo Be
peak of yo
demned to die, and do
is open, and you may
ned; I am removed from your path; why do you visit me thus at this still hour
answer questions. On one condition you are f
he prisoner, though without
e morning tide; swear if I liberate you that you will
firmly. "I will never lea
continued the general, i
ife would be nothing to me if
this for a moment? it
nzo Bezan; "for more than
" said General Harero, hoarse
er heard the grating of the rusty bolts and bars as they were closed after him. They grated, too, most harshly upon his heart, as well as upon th
quickly as I did. Besides, in honor, I could hardly accept my life at his hands on any terms-he whom I have to thank for all my misfortunes. No, no; let them do their worst, I know my
floor, and after thinking long and tenderly of Isabella Gonzales and her brother, he once more dropped