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Word Count: 2253    |    Released on: 28/08/2024

s to P


d in front of my bathroom mirror, considering wearing a dress today,

gown, and I couldn't wait to graduate from that hellhole of a school. However, college scared me even

late!" Dahlia shouted

" I shou

's cold gaze as he walked past me with one hand in his pocket and the other holding his backpack. This has happened more often than I could remember since h

features, charming emerald eyes, and an athletic build that had girls swooning. Despite his obvious popularity,

close with was his chil

d out to Christian as he ran

st of the time, he commanded unwarranted respect-an honour born not of his actions, but of whispered stories of his mafia father's gruesome reputation. I'm not s

e had never exchanged a single word, even when our paths crossed. I saw him as just another popular guy in school. He was also in all of my classes, but besides that, I never paid

hlia said as we separated

ndependent seats, meaning two people shared a desk, and the fir

y as I cast my head down, hurried to a vacant sea

on called out in his

intimidating sneer, gesturing for me to come over to where he was. The last time this happened, he made sure I didn't


ut to him with a flirty smile. "

tian since day one, but he didn't give a

ing her off like some annoying fly. It was his

hristian cast me a blank look. Then he turned to Mason, as if assessin

up as he closed in on me. "W..What?" I

the head, he commanded

umsily moving over to

ad to the back and saw the poorly concealed look of envy on Heather's face, while Mason's jaw was clenc

he strange nervousness I felt because of his presence beside me. That few seconds of interaction was the longest conversation we had ever had, a

or the pool incident, but before I could mutter out a thank you, he stood up abruptly and walked out. Noticing Mason and Heather heading my way,

school hall for a student meeting. As we found ourselves seat

g an uproar of excitement from the students. "Have you a

" Everyone chor

for gym class. We assembled on the field in our gym clothes, d

always insisted I participate in every activity in order to burn some calories, which always ended with me embarrassing myself. If they weren't teasing

ers took their positions on the volleyball court, while the rest of us sat on the bleachers as spectators. As the games began, I recalled the incident of the last time Mr. Gary forced me to join in on one of the volleyball game


cheered passionately for Trevor who had just scored a point for the boys. Trevor turned to her and made a

ing her a teasing smile. "Wh

she stated with a che

r," I said playfully. "Whatever ha

porting my man," she said wi

ok of bewilderment. "How doe

ally scored a point. She screamed again, this time even l

witch, shaking my head in amu

ing flirtily at one of the girls, while the other girl giggled at Christian, unnecessarily tucking her hair behind her ear every now and the

nners for the umpteenth time. I chuckled as the boys cheered, failing

ring and changing in front of all those girls who were almost physically flawless was the hardest part. Just the thought of everyone pointing at me an

urned on the shower, feeling relieved that I could finally get rid of the stench that came with today's activities. As the water cascaded down my face, I heard

ss, straining to listen. After a moment of listening, I brushed it

jaw dropped to the ground when I saw an empty gym bag. The clothes I had left in my gym bag before st

the clothes somewhere else and probably forgot, but no, I was certain I had left them in my gym bag. Then it hit me. The bang I had heard earlier wasn't my mind playing tricks on me. Someon

go out in a towel" I bit my nails, shaking my legs anxiously.

reeched open. I rose abruptly from the bench, clutching the towel tightly around me as I backed up aga

l with big round eyes, on glasses, appeared before me. She lo

re these yours?" showing m

es a careful look. Those were my clothes – but why did she have

on the floor outsi

rise. "How on earth did t

aced the clothes in my gy

said to her as

ould have possibly done this, a

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