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Echoes Of the Heart

Echoes Of the Heart

Author: max htn

Chapter 1 Chapitre 1

Word Count: 2328    |    Released on: 18/08/2024

the small residential neighborh

earold girl years old with curly brown hair and sparkling eyes, spent most of his time to explore the surroundings of his house. His curious mind often

he loved this place, with its smells of freshly mown lawns and blooming flowe

age as her, was sitting

est, eyes glue

cautiously. "Hi, my name is Clara,"

ealing deep green eyes

"Yes, I just moved in

ok on the grass. "Do you want to play with

r a moment, then no

ernoon playing together, explo

t for climbing. They raced up the slide, swinging high in the air on the creaking swings."Why

ulders. "My parents mov


ou know me," she said with insurance. "An

eady felt that she had made a new friend, and the idea filled her with joy.

ra and Maxime met every


ins with fallen branches, imagined stories fantasy where they were the heroes, and som

lay in the grass watc

e. "I missed you, you k

ad towards him, sur

here," Maxime explained. " But Now I fe

"I too am happy to have met you, M

the edge of the park pond, they noticed a group of ducklings following their mother. The

ey are," Clara ex

ey are like us. They follo

dea. "What if we built them

safe place

hey gathered twigs and leaves to make a small sh

gesture without

ey sat down again near the pond, admiring their wo

ime. "The duckling

them so happy together and decided to organize family outings to strengthen these bonds. One Saturday they organi

b with this shelter for t

oking at the impro

hem. »Clara's father smiles. "You both have big hearts.

sture. They continued to play together,

hey became inseparable, supporting each other at school and sharing their dreams an

mitted, rocking gently. " I have afraid that everythin

seriously. "Nothing will change between us, Clara

assured by his w

me replied with

to understand each other. They could spend hours in silence, just happy to be

imes uncer

ime turned to Clara with a serious expression. "Cla

an explorer," he said, his eyes bright with excitement. "Dis

t lands. "And I would be a writer," she replied.

enthused Maxime. "We wo

, we would make an

ink. They encouraged each other in their dreams and supported each other in


ing with it shimmerin

ves, creating a magical setting for their games. Clara and Maxime loved this se


y were collecting leaves

e box? We could put some objects that are dear

ea was wonderful. "Y

, a friendship bracelet that they had made for themselves, and a letter in which each had written his dreams and promises for the future.They buried the box

ping the ground where

shining. "And we will see ever

xcitement of their hidden tr

ays and lower temperatures, but Clara and Maxime always found time to f

es at the park. The snow covered the swings and slides, transforming the place into a veritable winter king

ree covered in sparkling snow. "We

e beauty of the scene. "It'

ventures and precious memories. Clara and Maxime knew they could count on eac

or the future. Clara became a young girl passionate about reading and writing, filling out notebooks full of his stories and dr

ir lives. His parents had decided to move to another city to professional reasons. With a

eyes brimming with tears. " My parents found work in

g him like a punch. " No, It's not poss

lara replied, wiping away her tea

trying to contain his anger

» he asked in a

t again." We have buried our treasure box here, don't f

reassure himself with thi

t again, I

, enjoying every moment as if it were was the last. Moving day came too quickly, and it was with a heavy heart that Maxi

holding back his own tears.

eplied, reluctan

ff, taking Clara and her

the vehicle which was leaving, swearing to hims

gh letters, then emails and calls. They shared their successes, their failures, and th

king on a novel inspired by their childhood adventures. Maxime, for his part, undertook

e by Maxime. "Clara," he wrote, "I think it's time to keep our promise. C

, Clara responded immed

I'm just


ighborhood. The park hadn't changed much, but it was full of memories and emot

d, hugging her. "It's so

ed, smiling. "So, are you re

r knees in the grass they began to dig, their hands trembling with excitement

pered, gently removing

d hidden so carefully. care. The feather, the heart-shaped stone,

g her letter. "I wrote that

u, exp

ining with tears. "And we

etters and remembering the moments shared. Their friend

it would be

her eyes, "I am so proud of every

he replied, smiling

ventures that life had in store for them. Their friendship, forged inchildhood and streng

Clara and Maxime knew that, no matter where life took them, they would always a place to return to, a place where their friendship began and where it would continue to grow, forever.

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