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Chapter 7 THE CHASE

Word Count: 733    |    Released on: 18/08/2024

nd he slipped away, eyes locked on the thug moving through the crowd. Connor started following him, trying to

eople and obstacles. The thug ran fast, but Connor's determination was unyielding. He was gaining

his comrades as he approached them, "¡Me

opposite direction. The thugs gave chase, shouting angrily. Connor darted through the alleyways, his mind racing to

up to him. There were at least fifteen of them, some armed with g

the man's jaw, sending him sprawling. Another thug swung a metal pipe at him, but Connor b

ed it behind his back, using him as a shield against the other thug's punch. He t

led it at the thug's face, knocking the gun from his hand. He charged at the disarmed t

ucked and weaved, landing precise and powerful blows. He disarmed another thug, using the man's own knife

ow alleyway. The remaining thugs fired their guns, but the bullets missed, ricocheting off th

their shouts echoing through the alleyways. When he was sure they were gone, he cautiously em

xiously. When she saw him, her face lit up with relie

e steady. "I just... I thought I saw some

cern in her eyes. "You look like

king her hand. "I think we'v

g tension. As they walked, Connor couldn't shake the image of the thug from his mind. The encounter had rattled him, bu

possible to discuss the thug's unexpected freedom. After he dropped Eva off, he'd make the call

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