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Word Count: 1552 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 13/08/2024


another and she needed a break from all the meetings but she knew better than to take


e incident that still haunts her till date. The death of her mum broke her dad to pieces, He was no longer the shadow of the man he used to be. He started drinking heavily and kept late nights, gambled the little money he m

straught expression. "I told your mum I would take care of you both." Cathy had to learn not to expect much from him or anyon

hard drugs and got into some fights with rival gangs. He got killed in the hood. He was just 16 when he died, Cathy at 13 had faced so much loss and found herself being moved from one foster home to the other. When her father

restigious company after college, scale her career and then get married to a good guy, all in that particular order, she had reckoned that to achieve that, she needed to study very well. Her freshman

ends. Jesse respected the fact that Cathy wasn't into the whole party and getting high stuff and Cathy appre

skimpiest dress and show my assets and those kimono dresses you wear around like you are practicing to b

day when she met Carlos. He had just transferred into the business major from administration, and he was a hottie. Cathy had heard about him from Jesse before but paid no attention, he was a guy all the girls in school drooled over and tried hard to

said as he sat

ng so bold and carefree. She hesitated to re

unded lips. Her ravine wavy hair made him want to run his hands into the thick mass of her hair. When she stared briefly at him with disinterest in her eyes, he noticed the warm brownish hue in them. He found himself filled with the thoughts of her each day as he watched her

he had not expected the rain to fall and she wasn't with an umbrella. Her sophomore year dorm was a bit far from the bus station and she couldn't afford to call a ca

e familiar dra

him but she was relieved

ied, her eyes w

oor, "Come in so you don'

he turned to him with a warm smile

mildly surprised, she had expected he would be chatty and flirtatious, after all, that was what

you taking me to?"

n't answer her and kept on driving. He stopped at a clothing shop and

o school looking wet an

s on her wet clothes bore into her naked flesh which was obviously revealing in t

you some dry clothe

ckled, and picked it up again. Cathy got dressed in a black jean, and a beautiful crop top. It was only when she wore the top, she realized it was a cropped top, sh

sn't sure if it was because of her exposed navel or the fact she was walking with Carlos. After the test, she tried to avo

l of his voice. "Where are you goin

o back home, I have a few

are belly button. Cathy covered her tummy unconsciously. She

go som

?" She

through his auburn hair, his eyes s


had said were the b

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