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Ragged Dick, Or, Street Life in New York with the Boot-Blacks


Word Count: 2185    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

their stock in trade exposed on the sidewalk. The proprietors of these establishments stood at the doors, wa

n," said a stout man, at

plied Dick, "as the f

ng off at le

ey," said Dick. "There aint nobody of any enterpri

if he didn't quite comprehend him; but Dick, withou

ops auctions seem

, made of the very best of cloth. It's a frightful sacrifice. Who'll give an eigh

o three men, holding in his hand meanwhile a pair of pants

and finally saw them knocked down to rather

be pretty cheap h

r Street is the


ollar,-coat, cap, vest, pants, and shoes. They was very good me

laughing. "I had no idea the city was so much cheaper than the

s. When Horace gets a new suit, I always have one made just like it;

sidewalk, distributing small printed handbills.

SALE!-A variety of

a Dollar apiece. Unp

n, Gen

is this sale?

lack-whiskered individual, who appea

we go i

I've been there. That man's a regular cheat. He's see

," said the man, persuasively

es worth more'n a d

er, "and some worth

as w

ilver pitcher wort

lar. That's very kind of y

d you'll und

with a silver pitcher. Come along, Frank. I hope you'll succeed in your charitable enterpri

, Dick?" asked Fran

d then shakes some dice, and whatever the figgers come to, is the

uite a neat-looking cap, which corresponded much better with his appearance than the one he had on. The last, not being considered worth keeping, Di

adway. At the corner of Broadway and Chambers Street is a la

s that?" he aske

Broadway.* If I ever retire from boot-blackin', and go into mercantile pursuits

th Street store was

k s

in the store?

I'm intimate with one

nd does nothing but

employment," sai

ick, "I'd lik

, there was something fascinating in the crowds of people thronging the sidewalks, and the great variety of vehicles constantly passing and repassing in the street.

gh to buy of them," he said. "We haven't got but two stor

ixth, and Eighth avenoos. The Bowery, too, is a great place for shoppin'. There everybo

um's Museum?"

rly opposite the Ast

great building w


bears, and curiosities generally. It's a tip-top place. Haven't you ever been th

rebuilt farther up Broadway, an

came to New York a month ago, and went to Barnum's, and has been

the 'Demon of the Danube.' The Demon falls in love with a young woman, and

f showing his love,"

felt awful, and swore an oath not to rest till he had got her free. Well, at last he got into the castle by some underground pa

got the b

to his heart, sayin', 'Die, false and perjured villain! The dogs shall feast upon thy carcass!' and then

s the Demon ought to get extra pay

guess he's used to it. It seems

k from the street, with a large yard in front. It was an unusual sight for Bro

. "They're a rich institution, and take ca

ever go i

spital, and me and some of his friends paid his board while he was there. It was only three dollars a week, which was very cheap, considerin' all the care they took of him. I got l

have his leg cut off?"

that was very anxious to have it cut off; but it wasn't

ng on they reached No. 365, at

the Merchants' Uni

k. "When I come into a fortun' I s

to be very elegant. Suppose we go in and take an ice-crea

nk that's the most agreeable w

resplendent with gilding, and adorned on all sides by costly mirrors. T

din's palace," said Fr

k; "he must have ha

hich he had only to ru

ar, and do what

valooable lamp. I'd b


this last remark of Dick's. Turning towards our hero, he said, "May I inq

perty except what's i

omical side-gl

he investment was ma

; "I manage my

ur dividends have

"you're about right

Excelsior Copper Mining Company, which possesses one of the most productive mines in the world. It's sure to yield fifty per cent. on the investment. Now, al

. "Your offer is very kind and obligin', a

t happy to receive a call from you, and exhibit the maps of our mine. I should be glad to have you mention the matter

ood," s

table, and walked up to t

ick, "and wear good clothes. I wonder what that chap'll sa

er all," said Frank. "Some of these mining companies are noth

all he gets out o

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