News from Nowhere; Or, An Epoch of Rest / Being Some Chapters from a Utopian Romance
Author: William Morris Genre: LiteratureNews from Nowhere; Or, An Epoch of Rest / Being Some Chapters from a Utopian Romance
must ask them, will I 'nill I. What kind of a government have you? Has republicanism finally triumphed? or have you come to a mere dictatorship, which some persons in the nineteenth cen
house your pre
y come of that, whereas mere dearth came from the other kind, of which those walls once held the great supporters. Now, dear gue
telling you that we have no longer anything which you
I know something about governments. But tell me, how do y
ls of these arrangements; but, further, it is true that a man no more needs an elaborate system of government, with its army, navy, and police, to force him to give way to the will of the ma
s, I do,"
enjoyment which rather alarmed me, and made me dread a s
ll what the process of govern
osed to kn
t of those days? Was it really t
e interests of the Upper Classes took no hurt; and on the other side a sort of blind to delu
seems to s
did the people manag
they forced the Parliament to make a law to lega
h the cause of their grievances, the law stepped in and said, this is seditio
government then, nor the people
n you
ts, backed up by the executive, which handled the brute force that the deluded pe
en must needs th
dealing according to the ideas of the day? Had a poor man
they gained the case; and as for a poor one-why, it was considered a miracle of justice and bene
of the nineteenth century, was not a great success even to the people of that day, living under a class s
t seems,
a piece of goods and crying out to the neighbours, You shan't have this!-now that all this has disappear
is impo
an the protection of the rich from the poor, the
their office was to defend their own cit
ieve this? For instance, did the English Governm
it wa
nd and conquered it, they would not have
nglish workmen saw to that: they took from their workmen as much of
red, would they not have taken mo
e ruined the French, just as if the English horses and cattle had died of under-feeding. So that after all, the English workmen w
against other countries come to nothing. But that is but natural; for we have seen already that it was the function of
even when two nations were at war, the rich men of each nation gambled with each other pre
means of the law-courts meant destruction of wealth, this defence of the citizens of one country aga
annot d
ment really existed for t
t seems.
many rich peopl
he consequence
. But tell me ou
ually destroyed wealth, the
s, cer
r the sake of whom the government existed i
So i
country some people insist on being
his misery, then, was caused by the destructi
of the times; it was but the machinery of tyranny. Now tyranny has come to an end, and we no longer need such machinery; we cou
some more questions as to how yo
ll my heart