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Word Count: 2098    |    Released on: 07/08/2024

a arrived at the Nice Côte d'Azur Airport in France after a four-month tour of sightseeing notable natural landmark

o without undergoing any difficulties on the way not to mention that he had confined himself to the first class compartment of the airplane where he had paid less attention to the aviation route

t in the district of Fontvieille but he had intently taken a detour for him to enjoy his absence

French city. He knew with no doubt that his arrival in the city was a sharp contrast to the prince of Monaco whom everyone knew well enough to be a public figure who was strictly guarded at all times and wherever he wants to visit but he was less concerned about his infamous decision to blend in a late hour flight with passengers dressed in mufti whom h

the fact he had discreetly arrived in the city with no one, not even Robert and Gabriella knew that he had scheduled his flight to arrive in Monaco a day earlier than what he had previously mentioned to them especially Gabriella whom he deliberately sent a text message indicating hi

ad left on his vacation. He did not waste a moment to get a shower as soon as he got the keycards to his room which was located on the fifteenth floor of the skyscraper nor did he take a minute or two to rest af

an hour of departing from the hotel, he found himself drinking cold whiskey with a single glass alone at the counter in a pub, a mile away from the entrance of the hotel he had lodged a few hours ago. He knew he craved something mor

after a slight misunderstanding with his wife. He was thrilled he would not have to remember the events surrounding his fight with Gabriella and feeling light-headed, he giddily looked around the crowd of drunkards and the uninterested snooker players to pick out who might end up making his evening a splendid memorable one. He scoured with his bloodshot eye hoping to see beauty ami

ils. For a moment, his mind traced back to a brief memory of his first date with Gabriel when he caught sight of a man cuddling the cheek of a lady with wavy black hair in the company of middle-aged men who were his friends. He peered intently at the duo, ruminating about the memorable circumstances surrounding h

t the woman he was contemplating to be his wife. Not only was astonished at his discovery, he was perplexed at the kind of casual outfit the woman appeared to wearing. he found it too peculiar for Gabriella to appear in an odd public gathering and felt mystified to have. His thoughts were divided and were of two opposing halves when he left his sea

itorial with the females and retired himself back to the counter. He hopefully decided to wait for the men to dwindle from the gathering and fortunately, the men started exiting the pub one after other earlier than he had hoped. Then he felt his chance to make himself known to the woman he thought

ng that she was most likely avoiding him since he had a light disagreement with Gabriella prior to his departure to Australia and with this thought in mind as well as him

and smirked as soon as

nd and grinned shyly the moment she noticed his handsome

English when she realized he did

of way that she was finding it difficult to figure out his intentions, "Don't you recogn

ess which was something she felt was credible enough to buy her attention as well as her desire to keep her temper in check. She had let herself be swayed by his attractive stature which was a bit more fancy looking to her taste and she had intentions of not missing the chance of getting locked in the arms of a handso

ll wrapped in his opinion that he wa

I'm not pr

e, we should get to k

nt to spend the night together. Although he felt something different as he started to get intimate with her inside his bedroom behind closed doors, he felt even more pleasure having to touch the barest parts of her sensitive body to the poin

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