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When He's Gone

When He's Gone

Author: Icadellic

Chapter 1 Our hearts.

Word Count: 347    |    Released on: 03/08/2024

ut of my life and take his spot, but I cant tell you this because you're his worst enemy. I miss those perfect autumn eyes looking into mine. I wish you could hold me close like those scar

er to (7²+11)5 is 104." Mr.Marcos replies "That is correct, now Lara please pay attention." Lara nods her head and sits back down. Back at her seat, she remembers how Dylan is seeing two seats in front of Jarred and will kill her for looking his way. Praying Dylan didn't see her and just takes her notes silently for the rest of class. 20 minutes go by and the bell rings people pack up and leave while her "lover" Dy

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