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Rebirth As A Wealthy Heiress

Rebirth As A Wealthy Heiress


Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 478    |    Released on: 10/09/2024

air, my palms sweating, my body trembling as I c

he beneficiary signature for

en waiting here forever," my husband Kevan Simpso

lled me back

nails into my palm, and glanced

ed beneficia

was for me to comp

ratitude-fate had actually given me a seco

a month after signing that form, I

last ounce of strength, I saw my bes

pt together, that my daughter had been killed and replaced because of them, and how

he car accident had been a

lth in my name and the huge payou

verwhelmed with emotions and died

r, forced to linger aroun

e Lillian called me a fool in front of Kevan every day. Even "my daughter"

me with such bitterness that I wanted to become

o the point where I thought I'd vanish completely,


ind to the treachery of t

make sure they paid f

ed again, "Madisyn, what are you s

d up at the staff before me. With a polite smile, I said, "I'm sorry, but I'

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