Alpha's Substitute Luna
y Dean's response, uncertain of how to proceed. As the wielders of authoritative power within the court, their pronouncements he
cisions had already been pronounced. Bloom had been deemed fit and suitable as a substitute mate for
defiance of court directives, especially by an alpha, posed a challenge to their authority. History dictated severe conseque
om bemusement to frustration, marked by a heightened volume that piqued Bloom's curiosity. Despite her efforts to discern their deliberations, the specific
y mate... because I allow myself to have only one love in my life, and that love is my deceased mate, Chelsea. It would not matter who yo
ed, struck them as unfathomable. Such a proclamation, particularly from a young alpha, appeared preposterous. Bloom struggled to comprehend the depth of Dean's proclamation. Was this a
wavering commitment to shun any suggested substitute. However, the brief respite she experienced soon dissipated. The alpha remained resolute in his resolve to lead a
takable. Many derided her due to Dean's reaction to the court's verdict, finding amusement in her predicament. Howe
ate dashed any hopes they harbored of occupying a similar position. Their envy transcended rationality, manifesting across vary
distress as he clutched his face in disbelief. A momentary distraction from her own pligh
impact of his words, particularly on Bloom. Anticipating minimal repercussions from the elders, he stood firm in his ideals. Aware of
he young she-werewolf, Bloom. Nonetheless, he felt a pang of regret for the distre
sea and vowed to cherish her for a lifetime. How could
h each step, and petite stature that he effortlessly carried to their abode. Her eyes, a window to her emotions, conveyed jo
f guard, fueling his determination to win her over and make her his wife. Despite his haste, Chelsea had professed her love sooner than an
nt to leave her home and embark on the journey to become his mate. Despite his authority as an alpha, Dean intention
their new abode would dispel any lingering doubts, he envisaged Chelsea finding solace in the grandeur. However, her initial enth
ecame characteristic of her behavior. Their once passionate intimacy gradually eroded as she withdrew emotionally, leading to a stark decline in their romantic life. While the unmet physical need
s, he shouldered the responsibility for pressing her prematurely, driven by an urgent need to secure her companionship, fearing she might slip
detailing the diverse cities and cultures she longed to experience, her wanderlust knew no bounds. Her insatiable curiosity for the far
ts rather than tangible goals. Regrettably, he failed to grasp the depth of her desires for worldly exploration. Following her tra
r happiness and heightened awareness of the world might have impacted her safety, conjecturing that her travels could have shielded her from the unforeseen traged