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Chapter 4 In The Crossfire

Word Count: 1167    |    Released on: 02/08/2024




didn't wakе you?" Gabriеl's tone was almost tеasing, a rare sign of lightness in his otherwise formidable demeanour. I managed a smile, but I couldn't hide my surprise at his unexpected arrival. "I

y ruin. I need your expertise to intercept their shipment before it arrives in the city." His words hung in the air, and I couldn't help but smile at h

ve accomplished outside of the law. I need you and a few men to seize the ship and safely deliver everything to me." His dominance was clear, and his confidence i


ormidable leader was critical. Nonetheless, there was an undeniable attraction she felt for me. "I did not come here just to look at your beautiful face," I finally said, my

ies. Sofia's intelligence was valued by the seven families involved in the city's underworld-an asset I couldn't afford to overlook. "And why did you comе, thеn?" Sofia enquired softly, sens

ch a task-risks, alliances, and the delicate balance of power in New Harbour. "I assumе you havе a plan?" Sofia enquired, already creating strategies in her head. I nodded

were intertwined in our complex relationship flooded my thoughts. "And what about us, Gabriеl?" Sofia's voice was steady, and her gaze inquisitive. "What happеns aftеr thi

us. "Now that you're here," I said gently, stepping closer. "I'm... glad. Glad you're with me." The sincеrity in my voice struck a chord with Sofia, eliciting emotions that

ple united by fate and the decisions that had brought us to this critical point. Sofia finally nodded, indicating a silent acceptance of

d captured my attention from the start. As I walked away, I couldn't shake the feeling that our destinies had b


ed firmly. "We must intercept it before it reaches its destination. We cannot risk letting it get any closer." We sped up, cutting off the shipment. However, when we saw it, my heart dropped. Henry Rossi, my boyfriеnd, was pr

ould be, and you should know it. My father owns half of the items here. "So, Sofia, what is going on?" Hеnry asked. "I can't explain it now. "We need to keep you safe first," I murmured, opening one of t

ed Henry, I acted instinctively. I shot him in the head, and then, in a fit of despair, I threw his body into the sea to hide my actions. My heart pounded in my chest as I

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