lways had the instincts of a protector and guardian. They were ingrained in his very being, as much a part of him as his lupine nature. His thoughts were not focused on the forest or the pack this time. His daughter Victoria was the center of his attention. Sinc
the pack, Gideon was well known for his power, guile, and unwavering loyalty to his family. However, he had displayed a different side over the preceding few
appiness. He had been left reeling by her death, and it was during his grief that he made mistakes that cost him both his leadership an
is power to protect her from the harsh realities of their world. They had become strained as a result of his overprotectiveness. Gideon had been too ter
mination that echoed her father's, her eyes blazing. That was when he saw her strength, her spirit.
and understand my powers!"Is it truly your belief that you will be welcomed with open arms by everyone? Gideon had answered wit
of living my own life and choosing for myself." Victoria had turned away, unable to look up at him, and his voice had stung
of the trees had brought her comfort as she had strolled through the forest. Still, she could not
sel of P
ly. Gideon sighed and raked a hand through his receding hair. "Philomena, I am always having problems. especially with reference to Vict
hivers down his spine. He recognized the howl, which was full of urgen
rong," with a low and te
ned with understandin
Kidnapped by
lengthening and changing with graceful fluidity. As his perception shar
was constantly thinking about Victoria. She had always been strong, despite her youth and
cond. It led them to a clearing with obvious signs of a struggle. The trees w
ctoria's clothes-his heart dropped. He returned t
!" as his voice echoe
er, her expression solemn. "Gideon, s
ion of th
r the sly and vicious leadership of Deba Blackthorn, they had been a pain in the side of the Gray
her? Gideon asked, hardly rais
he prophecy. They believe she holds
ess Determinatio
. regardless of the circumstances." Philomena nodded, her expression deter
overcome the Vargens, they would need the support of old friends and allies. But Gideon
r. He had disappointed her once, but he swore he would never let her down again. He would re
n the Demi
overed. Liana was the heart and soul of their family; her gentle nature was a beacon of hope in their often depressing circ
st breath. She had whispered his name in a weak but loving voice. "Take care of Vict
reats that killed her mother. But he would managed to push her away, and that is what made h
lt of a
owed Victoria to use her abilities without demonstrating enough trust in her. However, he was adamant about setting things right. He wo
deon. We cannot defeat the Vargens on our own; we are not strong enough. Gideon nodded, his resolv
r and Philomena, the
match for Gideon's power. She had been there when Liana passed away and had helped Gideon through his
Having never been a member of a