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The Mafia's Possession

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1139    |    Released on: 13/01/2025

don't have classes together today, so I'll meet you for lun

s fi

but not awkward he didn't seem like his friends

she thanked the driver, who bowed and closed the door behind them gett

he swallo

g her through the school everyone sta

'm used to it, but I

ittle unsettli

e. We're friends, after all, you have n

m n

cheek. Dropping her hand. "I'll see you at

four girls approached her. "We'r

d these bitches they'd start


but at a guess, you're going

ell away fr

could." She

from him or y

ce I stop t

ow, make him fin

help. I don't go

by her blouse. "

er alone

ubery came toward


ent to her instead of you, stop being a jealous whore.

blouse and looked at h

it i

ayla walked away. Followe

y Torino, only I ca

he mean

our help,

t wi

want you to help me



. I'm not writ

writing it? Just make it

Aubrey. And they'l

you have to tr

. I'm not getting

ey from last night? The one she'd rode to school with. His eyes were so cold so angry. "You'll do it, Torino. Af

t. I pr

ino. You will help me, or I'll make

wn her face. "Ok


to get in just fine if you keep

rains a lift to sc

had a lot t

be an everyd

hool is o

u, you kno

I d

geese Aub


u'd have to get her on drugs or

e by the end of th

you plan

t have to w


e slid in next to her closing the door. The car pulled away. He looked at her. "Sorry for today Torino. I don't


s to his room. He placed his books on the

do this yourself? you know mo

a lot of books here. All I'm asking is for your help, I'm not that good at English. I'd

y realise it

e with it and helped with the sen


nt it off just remembe


shelves grabbing some books. He smiled he was glad his friends m

ing notes then typed them up with the right gram

rinting it. "T

ter reading it. Smiling. "

her face leaning forward pressin

away. "I...I...

sh, Torino? We

hould be ge

. "Maybe


ow you're leaving


estion. You are my guest and you



ar. "I'll pick you

's no

ping me so I am hel

see you in t

d. "8:30

and got i

ed away taki

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