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Corporal Cameron of the North West Mounted Police: A Tale of the Macleod Trail


Word Count: 5486    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ergeant, it may be added-performing the same duty with equal diligence in the afternoon, and every day the balance,

to Cameron unnecessarily pronounced. "She simply would not let him go!" continued the doctor. "She nursed him, sang to him her old 'Come all ye' songs and Meth

, but these snatches and glimpses only exasperated him. There was no opportunity for any lengthened and undisturbed converse, for on the one hand the hospital service was exacting beyond the strength of doctor and nurses, and o

only partially successful. The Sergeant was obviously and gloomily incredulous of the purity of his motives, the little nurse arched her eyebrows and smiled in a most annoying manner, while the doctor pendulated between good-humoured tolerance and mild sarcasm. It added not a little to Cameron's mental disquiet that he was quite unable to understand himself; indeed, through these days he was engaged in conducting a bit of psychological research, with his own mind as laboratory and his mental phenomena as the materia for his investigation. It was a most difficult and delicate study and

l environment of the Police Post at Fort Macleod to the maddening whirl of conflicting desires and duties attendant up

the toils, this time to stay, and we owe this capture to your friend Raven. A week ago Mr. Raven coolly walked into the Fort and as

y gentleman, as cool as ice,

determined to take no chances, I ordered two constabl

aid, 'there is evident

ent,' I replied. 'I know this man.

he Superintendent, 'and you, Inspector. I

Piegans, and Sarcees next month. Raven had stumbled upon this and had deliberately put himself in the power of the Police to bring this information. 'I am not quite prepared,' he said

you remember, we have no definite charge laid against Mr. Raven, who has given us, by the way, very

t to the bunch, walked in on them, cool and quiet, pulled two guns and held them till we a

ssionary Macdougall among the Stonies and to the vigilance of the North West Mounted Police was i

's face and sharpened the edge on his voice as he looked

rse after she had listened to his grumbling fo

ing yo

ally me, and

se H

disturbing her

bing he

calculated to restore the poise of the male mind as a consciousne

tinued the little nurse. "She

t be allowed." Cameron was conscious of a fine glow of fraternal interest in this young girl. "For instance, a day like this! Look at these white mountai

who had been on duty all night

r it was a full precious quarter of

r authority. She would not budge for m

close-fitting Hudson Bay blanket coat revealing the swelling lines of her budding womanhood. The dainty white toque perched upon the masses of gold-brown hair accentuated the girlish freshness of her face. At the nurse's words she turned her eye

impatiently. "We

deep breath and striding out like a man to keep pace w

t you alone for the last


nth! I wanted

ith me? Ab

ut everything-a


and you. You have cha

am so glad you have noticed

myself wondering if you are t

am so glad! You see, I n

d?" exclaimed Cameron.

a mir

ce, the tote road leading them into the f

you who


, I think, many days like that. I had to go into town and I couldn't help going to her. Oh, how good she was to me that day! how good! She understood,


a mad thing, but I did not know

p wh

ut the nurse showe


ooks and made me read and study-and then I began to see. Oh, it was like a fire-a burning fire within me. And the doctor was good to me, so very patient, till I began to love my profession; to love it at first

anxious to finish her tale-her voice, her eyes, her face

derful!" s

g her speech, "for I could not bear that you should remember me as I was those dreadful days; and I am so glad th

Great Heavens, Mandy! You are w

hear you say it. That is all I want. You see I owe it all to you." Th

cked his hot words. But there was no need for words; his eyes spoke for his faltering lips. A look of f

e said after a moment's s

death. Mandy, you need some one to take care of you. I wish

eady. She had gained control of herself again. "Why, even John the Chinaman,"

ake care of you, Mandy. I want the

y. "You are so good; you were al

e striding along beside him with easy grace; and th

if to himself. "You need no

erly, "it was good o

e! I tell you, Mandy, I want you, I want yo

ce disturbed, but kindly, gentle and strong. "Don't say

!" he excla

it, oh-," she suddenly caught her breath. "Oh, I love you for saying it." Then pointing up the r

Cameron. "What the de

his out again,

ould not bear it. But I shall always remember, and-I am so glad.

the Sergeant flung his horse back on his

d, "there's a row on. Constable Scott has been very badly handled

id Cameron, "I shall

t wheeled a

Mandy, quick fear spr

"at once. Come, I s

ke care of myself. I shall follow." Her voice ran

Mandy," cried Cameron, ta

her lips beginning to quiver. "I shall always reme

t her for a moment some

, and, turning, went at the

esent they were wild with triumph over the fact that they had rescued one of their leaders, big Joe Coyle, from Constable Scott. It was an exceedingly dangerou

ake Constables Cameron and Scott, arres

bad whiskey, some armed with knives and some with guns, and all ready for blood. Big Joe Coyl

ou!" he said, draggin

rawled a man with a goatee and

Hep, springing to the door; but before he

!" he said, "

n him and the door. Constable Scott, who also had his hand upon the prisoner, drew his revolv

ove the uproar. "Don't shoot-

ing his prisoner a final shake

ergeant and constables to pass out. Taking his place at the saloon door with C

rders to shoot,"

ndent hardly able to lift h

men who oppose the arrest,

Bring that man h


himself on his elbow. "Bring that man if

l bring him," said Came

and Constable white hot under the jeers and taun

table Cameron?" enquired t

ry man in the saloon if ne

nt. "Constable Cameron, hold the

e man named Hep, evi

he said w

oor to the platform, and then, putting his body into it, heaved him with a mighty swing fa

second man who stood near the door and flinging

before they were aware the Sergeant and Constab

aid the Serge

zed him by

he brought his prisoner in a heap with him. "Get up!" he roa

he man with the goatee,

arm jab on the jaw, "and I'll come back for you again," h

nd Cameron and facing the crowd with drawn revolvers. The swift fi

e with Cameron's blow. "Don't let the blank blank blank

d, and the crowd began to press close upon the Police. But the revolvers had

n half drunk, running with

volver, and the man dropped wit

ted the Sergeant

e wounded man. A stream lay in the path o

ey could make the bridge the crowd had recovered from their momentary panic and, with wil

as of some animal enraged. Looking beyond the Police the crowd beheld a fearsome sight. It was the Superintendent himself, hatless, and with un

man who sets foot on this bridge

ld make up their minds to attack that resolute little company headed by their dread commander, the prisoner was safe over the bridge and w

own there, Sir, needs

l off, Cameron," sai

, Sir," said Cameron, his

rintendent. "Let a couple of you

p the hill, Sir,"

Cameron, setting off fo

aloon. Straight to the door marched Cameron, followed by Scott. Close to the counter stood goatee Bill,

ut six minutes in spite of all the blank blank Police in this

for his gun, but Cameron, swiftly shifting his grip to his arm, wrenched him sharply about and struck him on

ched the door a heavy glass came singing through the air and caught him on the h

cried, "put the

n Constable Scott

fighting back the faintness that was overpowering him. Seeing his plight, Hep sprang toward him, eager for revenge, but Camero

teeth, "will you come?" So terrible were h

nel, I'll come,"

aching for him and bringing h

ade both men, thoroughly subdued and handcuffed

ron in a low voice to his

rs along over the bridge and up the hill. At the h

what's up?" he added as Cameron, turning his head, revealed

p. I am nearly in," said

tent here," sa

rs safe first," said Came

idiot!" crie

Scott. "I'll take care of 'em all

llar. "I'll see them safe first," saying which he swayed dr

od-naturedly. "Don't

octor, supporting

e Scott, and marched his pris

a ghastly affair, full six inc

e wound. "Nurse!" he called. "Nurse!" The little

behind her-low

s bed. Cameron, who had been lying with his eyes closed and was ghastly whit

" he said and clo

a kind of jealous fierceness, taking the

serious, however, than a deep sc

ouple of days," said the doct

ing, Nurse Haley went to her room there to f

or looking in every half hour upon his patient. As evening fell

" he said and

e she came, her face pale as of one who has come through conflict, and serene as of one who has conquered, pale and strong and al

oice low and sweet, but for al

ing out his arms. "I want

heart, "don't ask me to go through it again. I am so we

said, "I

you wanted to take ca

l! Now I know what I want-I want-just

f to herself. "Are you sure-sure? I c

ith all my heart and soul and b

l searching his through her wonderful eyes. T

s around his neck and laying her cheek close to his, "my darlin

tor was on guard. A massive

Strong, what on earth a

aid the Superint


ral Ca

eron? Constab

just had Constable Scott's repor

ll enquire if he is resting. Nurse! Nurse

ly back. This is what her eyes looked upon. A girl's form kneeling by the bed, golden hair mingling

e reported, "cannot be seen.

aid the

for me that I am particularly well pleased with his bearing

endent. Now let me h

ery fine thing! Very fine thing indeed! I see rap

eh?" said

commend him and should be only too please

dent, but in another equally honourable capacity did they ride away together one bright Apr

e delivered, nurse," sai

once," repli

tant," urged

here are ot

ther t

urse with an undeniably joyous laug

cked tone, "how often have I

e bit!" laughed

ed," insisted the doctor firmly

The little nurse ran in before hi

d Cameron from the

little nurse to the d

ndent," said the doctor, lift

y," said Cameron.

ignoring what he saw. "A message, an

eron?" echoed

poral Cameron. And the Corporal is to r

t with a light in her eyes that the doctor had not

or. "But the Superintenden



I forb


proudly, "the Co

y chaps it has been my fortune to meet, by all the god

e girl standing so straight and proud bes

t man in all the world is t

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