Chimes of Mission Bells; an historical sketch of California and her missions
Author: Maria Antonia Field Genre: LiteratureChimes of Mission Bells; an historical sketch of California and her missions
Carlos Missio
sion of Carmelo in the days of her glory! We are in a maze of thought as to how to begin to tell her story. Of the beauty of the spot where this mission was built we have already spoken, as well as of how the gol
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the different missions convened and gave accounts of their work and numbers of baptisms etc. to the Father President. And how glowing are the records of those accounts! Here on festival days after the religious services were held social gatherings and entertainment's of the purest yet merriest order. Mar
rey were cracked during the years when the mission was neglected but some of the pieces w
s Father Casanova seen assisting the laborers with his own hands. And what a happy day it was for Monterey when the first Mass was sung in the restored mission after years of vandalism and neglect! The old statues which had escaped the ravages of time were replaced in their niches, the sanctuary lamp was re-lighted for the Sacramental Presence once more enthroned on His altar and the organ pealed forth the ancient Latin hymns of the Church once more. Another very significant event of this restoration was that Father Casanova had the four bodies
romeo, (its Patron Saint) has again been celebrated here every November the twenty-fourth, and a relic of Saint Charles which Father Junipero Serra brought from Spain, is as of old carried in processi
d, in 1890, the Serra Monument 3 which crowns a slope just above the
s. Father Mestres has given time, energy and noble efforts unstintingly to perpetuate the memory of Junipero Serra and to more fully restore not only San Carlos Mission and San Carlos Church, but is en
Capilla Real, and the ships which sailed the blue waters of her crescent bay were the ships of the Royal Navy of Spain. No mission town was without its glories, its fascinating history or delightful surroundings, but Monterey was like a fair empress of them all. Yet no jealousy or feelings of rivalry were felt for Monterey by her sister towns, nor was her right to the sceptre ever contested. From the time
drals, attended by many of the highest religious, civil and military authorities, while congratulations from every side poured into King Carlos and his Viceroy. And all this exultation over the discovery of the lovely spot we all know and love so well! Monterey, like a "pearl of great price" had been hard to find, but like a "pearl of great price" was worth the quest. Beautiful Monterey
s irresistible. Even to this day, in spite of the many sad scenes and oblivious years which have stamped their trace upon her loveliness and impaired her regal splendor, her charm is told by her landma
Coast, and appeared in Monterey Bay in four large vessels arriving at midnight. Before they could be driven out of the town they set fire to s
fond mother all that remains of the massive silver altar vessels and candelabras, painting
contributors to the old Capital. Thus while we deplore years of vandalism, and the thousands who have joined the "careless throng" we can always turn to the pleasing contrast of sympathizers and friends who are always, willing to give "honor to whom honor is due," and in doing so have spared neither purse nor efforts in aiding those who under difficulties have guarded the flame of tradition and love of the splendid