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Blood of the fallen

Chapter 4 Blood of the fallen

Word Count: 1216    |    Released on: 03/07/2024

oss-covered trees and the distant sound of trickling water. Sunlight barely pierced the dense canopy, casting the forest floor in a p

gnificant, as though he were walking in the footsteps of countless others who had come seek

e Sacred Forest is known for its enchantments and the cr

aking in every detail. "Stay alert. We

stling leaves and creaking branches creating an almost musical harmony. Kael felt a strange

k twisted and gnarled with age. Vines draped down from its branches, and strange, lumines

iced something strange. The flowers seemed to be arranged in pa

These runes... they're ancient. They speak of a time when mortals and celestial

, her curiosity piqued. "Do they

rect, but there are hints. 'Seek the heart where light meets shadow, where the past

rmation. "Then we're on the rig

Kael drew his sword, Lyra her dagger, and Aelric his staff, ready for whatever might emerge. S

nd fox, with delicate antlers and a long, bushy tail. Its fur shimme

"A spirit guardian. These beings are protectors of the forest

ou," he said, addressing the creature. "We seek the temple,

s words. Then, it stepped forward and bowed its head, a gest

The forest around them seemed to shift and change, the trees growing denser, the shado

as crystal clear, reflecting the canopy above like a mirror. In the center o

is is an offering bowl. The forest spirits used these to communicat

f what to offer. "What do we

"I have some of the sacred water from the Spring of Elyri

rovingly. "That s

w. The light intensified, and the water rippled, forming shapes and patterns

"You have come far, but the path ahead is fraught with danger. Tru

, a sense of reassurance. "We will fi

battles are fought within. Your true enemy lies

reflective state. Kael looked at his companions, feeling a re

ked in silence, each of them lost in their thoughts. The vision's words weighed h

echoed around them, and they caught glimpses of creatures watching from the shadows. Despite the eerie atmos

covered in moss and vines. It was an ancient altar, adorned with carvings that told stories

tells the story of the Fallen Queen, her rise and fall, and

ers, feeling a deep connection to the

houlder. "We've come this f

Then let's see this through. The temp

d to part before them, leading them ever closer to their destination. As they walked, Ka

en themselves worthy. With the vision as their guide and their determinati

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