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Word Count: 639    |    Released on: 12/07/2024


ival of a guest."Your Majesties, Lady Anika from the house of El-Nagar is here".The eunuch sa

inking twice about it,she accepted the offer and sat down beside the crown prince{Mon El}who is also her childhood sweetheart.The royal family resumed having their meal in silence but it was obvious someone's mood had gone sour at the entrance of Lady Anika and the

didn't even seem to spare her a glance which caused her to frown and a soft gentle voice said making her fork stop halfway through the meat"Princess Maya,it is inappropriate f

face when you're in the palace",the young princess defiantly retorted leaving her grandparents in awe, although it's no new thing to them, seeing that nobody wa

th purpled coloured hair appeared in the room standing by a pillar"it's a good thing you know that her mother's place can never be taken ,and if I remembered correctly she only has one aunt which is me ...th

ss Nero

n you permission to address me for

e fountain of reflection to atone for your sins;before Lady Anika is a guest she's my friend and you were without doubt rude to her so you shall kneel until I say it's over".Nero was about to chirp in when his aura forced her to kneel before restraining her;he told her

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