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The Perfect Excuse

Chapter 2 Uncovering Secrets

Word Count: 847    |    Released on: 30/06/2024

solace in the meticulous planning and strategy sessions with David. Despite her lingering trust issues, she began to rely on him more, drawn to his

ay that," she murmured, a smile tugging at her lips. "But that was a long time ago."David smiled softly. "Some things never change."The next day, Sophia received a call from Ethan. Her brother rarely called, preferring to stay out of the family drama, so she knew it had to be important."Soph, we need to talk," Ethan said, his voice urgent. "It's about Dad."Sophia felt a knot of anxiety tighten in her stomach. "What is it?""He's planning something big," Ethan continued. "I've been working on a project at the company, and I stumbled across some documents. It looks like he's trying to undermine you from the inside."Sophia's mind raced. "What kind of documents?""Financial records, emails... It's all pointing to a hostile takeover. He's been colluding with some of the board members."Sophia felt a surge of anger and betrayal. "Ethan, can you send me those documents?""Already done," Ethan replied. "Just be careful, okay? I don't know who you can trust."After hanging up, Sophia immediately called David and asked him to come to her office. When he arrived, she showed him the documents Ethan had sent."This changes everything," David said, his expression serious. "We need to act fast."Sophia nodded. "I want to confront my father with this. He needs to know that I won't back down."David agreed, but he insisted on accompanying her. "You shouldn't face him alone. We're in this together."That evening, they drove to Richard Daniels' mansion. Sophia's heart pounded as they walked up the grand steps an

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