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Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 1777    |    Released on: 27/06/2024


ldn't she? I was hideous after all and the sight of her teased my nerves so much. She was a pretty little thing and I was a big manly beast. I knew this

ent for

about the girl so

she used to be my mother's person

had assigned Freya to tend to h

ery tender age, I had to bring her to my manor and put her under Martha's guardianship. She was

said, dismissing Marth

in almost i

y, Bella." I said to he

he was nervous in my presence and I could unde

?" I asked

sks a lot of questions, altho

ons?" I frowned, wanting to kno

that comes to her room. She mentioned t

pinched the br

information about her for me." I t

her favorite food.."

nd, my lord


back to eye her lustfully. I was no perfect man bu

don't want you sniffing

u have an eighteen year old locked up for breeding." He sa

r idea if I

grinned. If only he knew th

I thought you would be h

t the Locals, six of o

through my hear

id vampires ent

ave a traitor a

I said, running a h

die at the hands of those bloody


go out to the ga

she carefully b



was beautiful, I had seen them from a distan

ur favorit

ked as we admir

I answer

er." She

hed on the flowers. "You know, back home I use to have a jar of t

l alone and worried of my whe

e parents?"

h my grandmother." I replied, tearfully. "She must be so w

ed back

thing, she just held

I was captured

master's business

, is he not?" I asked, ex

our protector. He saved me once from vampires when I was yo

a man that tried to rape Freya w

y has he captured me?" I asked wi

" I held her arms to get her und

ed to r

her eyes grew w

a bad man. He's not as g

eyes. I needed her on my side

ked up and saw Drago watching with a de


rned with information o

he lived with her grandmother-I knew all of these

r of them back home. So, I sent for a glass bo

ght was beautiful. She would sur

instructed, no open curtains, no lamp or candles. She was curled like a cat on her

pulled up the curtains and

She must be Aphrodite herself. She was a beauty


way, ashamed of my ugly scarred face and I a

tiful." Sh

she was, how unreal and extraordina

I've been, I am not a goo

voice and risked

lose to her eyes and watched the

that happiness on

oom. You may go out of your room and tour the house with Frey

, avoiding

I nodded and turned to leav

carnival happening to

the city, from my reach. It was n

safe in

pretty face, the happiness was gon

, I should

I stop

as and some of my men to take them to the c

t I was sure she did not want me

en, you may go. I'll tell my me

t how her face bri

nk y

y and my heart so

smile and left with

ttle witch was having me wrap


inded me of home, there were little carni

huge men were guarding us. There was a particular one directly at my back like a dark shadow, he had a wa

ubtly moved away from the guards until we were

whispered to Freya an

now." I expl

hink you should sneak off. There

he evil out there than the o

y of this!" She

d my hands from her. I waved her goodby

"I'll go with you!" Sh

y side and we sneak through

find a way out to my town but suddenly, we

I asked as we s

stling was coming from , trying to mak


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