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The Alpha's hidden heir

Chapter 7 First day on the job

Word Count: 1549    |    Released on: 19/06/2024

aiting area. They were injured to various degrees of seriousness. "Serena?" the nurse at the front desk asked. Serena nodded. "Where do you need me?" she asked as a nurse rushed behind her, hands

urgical cap around her head to hide her hair. Serena had the nurse assist her with putting on her sterile surgical gloves, and then she pushed through the second set of doors into the sterile OR. The process was second nature to her now. She put her surgical mask on and then didn't touch anything until she came to Adriana's side. "Who's this?" Serena asked. "Beta Carson," Adriana said. Her gloves were already bloodied, the

ed up, opening the sutra packing. There was a small bleed coming from one of Carson's arteries. The nurses were keeping the area clean so she could see where the te

t in an artery, that was dangerous. Mass amoun

forgot the need to be on guard around him when she heard the concern in his voice. The Alpha was truly worried about his Beta. "He will be fine," Adriana assured. "He's still got some recovering to do, but he will be fine. I'm going to go clean myself up." Logan nodded as Adriana left Serena alone with the alpha. She pulled her surgical mask and gloves off, going to the sink to wash her hands again. "He had a pretty deep cut in his abdomen," she explained. "An artery was nicked, but we were able to repair the tear and stitch him up." "No other internal damage?" Logan asked. Serena turned the sink off and looked over at the alpha. Her eyes softened as she saw him nervously shifting his weight from one foot to the other. "He was lucky," she said. "No major organs were damaged." Logan let out a deep

ere is any internal bleeding," she said. "I would like to sutra it and bandage you up to prevent infection or making the wound worse." "I don't need that," Logan insisted. "Just give me a bandage and let me get back to work." Serena shook her head, finally raising her eyes to his. She gave him her most defiant, resolved look. "You have to heal properly," she said. "You're no good to the pack if you don't," Logan growled, glaring at her. Serena raised an eyebrow. "You're making a big deal out of a small cut," he insisted. Serena scoffed and glared at him. She poked her fingers into the red, swollen, purplish area around the wound. Logan hissed and leaned forward in pain. "Feel how tender that is?" Serena asked. "Your wound is already mildly infected. I need to clean it, sutra it, and bandage it or a worse infection could set it." Logan growled again. "Fine, fine," he said. "Lay back," Serena instruct

other female, Holly's, expression. "Oh, this is the new doctor,

done here," she said. It wasn't a question. Logan gave a nod and then relaxed his head. Holly scoffed and left. Serena shook her head, getting back to work on the alpha's wound. She did another

o her. Serena turned to object, but the alpha had a

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