was pal
ing un
ing fi
ted face contorted into that of agony. My lips trembled and it was taking all in me not to bite into the lower one and sink my teeth into it till I could taste the metallic blood seeping onto
ere blurry, the voices I heard seemed distance, it seemed like they talked
before the pain reared its head and everything goes black again. I could hear muffled sounds, running or panicked dragging perhaps but nothing more than that. My breaths trembled. My hand shaking at every thought that ran across my head, a cold shiver ran
he Olivia Cor
asleep on my s
at the fact I'm never allowed to attend parties like normal teens do. I stamped my feet, and even faked cried trying to get my mom to let me go willingly without having to proceed
tely kick into action. At that moment, regret flooded my system an
ached tremendously. Every joint of mine throbbed and I could feel a thick metallic taste of blood linger
ad never felt so useless as a human in my entire life when you wanted to move, you could hear the movements in the surroundings and being restricted. For a few more minutes every part
ht my attention. An Anglo-Japanese design with Roman and Greek themes in the frieze was on the ceilings and walls. The predominant colors were dark with tan and gold highlig
obably warming up. Red and yellow ribbons of scalding heat intertwined while sparks jumped and danced. The orange, blue, yellow, tiny ghosts danced across a log, and tiny snaps of their feet s
of him trying to talk to me, walking right next to me, grabbing
der. Their were voices men. Lots of them talki
ak to move then I counted them. Six me. Round a huge
the t
the fir
doing so. I rested my head back on the cold floor as gentle as I could then I chewed at my
g of the extreme pain that shot throu
out from the dining making me to stay still. They o
plied the first one. His voice soun
stated out again, then I froze,
hich b
d out but it was feminine. It oozed a whol
what happened then, taking place once again." There was a sudden pause in hi
conds that passed made me want to puke all over the floor. My eyes were still a bit dim so I couldn't make out where she really stood
ed my way, and then one of th
near daze and my vision dwindled with dizziness. I knew better than to try getting up at the moment but rather lay still. My heartbeat was elevated. The little pounds going off behind my ears. Pound. Pound. Pound. And my fingers aggressively shook as I lifted them to my head to cup m
in shock. "That's not po
eem like the ca
not d
gs were to jellified to even dare. His steps were calm, almost as if calculated. "T
throat. The man's figure hovered over me, casting a dark shadow over my body, shielding me from the moonlight rays that had been casting onto the floor in
to shake my head the negative,
ckedness as if to make me completely numb with the pain. "I-I wa-nna go home!
n. My eyes fell on my freshly bleeding arm, and then I let out the scream of agony through my parched throat. Screamed out in pain as th
eyes were extra blurred with the tears, my head spinning faster and just then. My legs gave up on me, seeming
mpered. As my vision blurred out, the concerning look on his pale features were the las