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A Mom For The Billionaire Kid


Word Count: 1355    |    Released on: 19/06/2024

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be understanding. After all, it was Kalix's mother who had invited Samantha. But it soon became evident that Samantha had a hidden agenda. She wasn'

itchen, were Kalix and Samantha, laughing over breakfast. The sight drove a knif

ined but genuine. "Good morning

r stomach churning. "Th

datory light. "Oh, Luna, you must

tha's presence seemed to dominate the room. She turned to

today, Leo?" Luna suggested

d, Samantha interjected smoothly. "Actually, Kalix and I were

and Samantha. "We did talk about it,

ng his young face. Luna felt a surge of protectiveness. "May

s taut. "Of course.

ion, subtly undermining Luna's role at every turn. By the time they re

, Luna cornered Kalix in his study. "K

ow this is hard, Luna, but she's just a guest. My mo

st, Kalix. She's trying to take over. Leo is unco

tand, but what do you want m

at least set some boundaries.

nd frustration. "I'll talk to he

innocence was convincing, but Luna saw through it. She found small, insidiou

e of his friends. She insisted on taking charge, relegating Luna to t

heatrics, her eyes welling up with fake tears. "I'm ju

looked helpless. "Luna, please

sn't about getting along. It's abo

a sauntered in, her expression a mask of mischief. "Luna, I think

es, her hands trembling. "I have

ng the silent treatment, are we?

spun around just in time to see Samantha deliberately knock a po

chen, his face full of c

ce. "Luna was being careless and knocked the po

d. "That's not true, Kal

d. "Luna, how could

ears. "Kalix, you have to

I'm sure it was an accident, Ka

It sucks but then Luna couldn't

nt and anger. "Luna, I trusted you to be careful around Le

ther word, she turned and walked out of the kitchen, out of the mansion, her

de at the hospital, watching helplessly as his condition deteriorated further. The doct

ything, to make sense of how her life had spiraled so quickly into chaos. The

d his judgment. Samantha's injury had seemed so real, and in his desperation, he had lashed out

nding Kalix of Luna's supposed carelessness. But Leo's reaction was telling. Ev

d Kalix. Leo, always perceptive, saw something he had missed. Samantha

d, Kalix found Samantha in the livin

ession feigning innocen

solve hardening. "I've made a

k. "Kalix, I don't understand.

rouble ever since you arrived. I've been blind to it, but no more.

was resolute. "This isn't up for

nd her sitting by her grandfather's bedside, her eyes red fr

he sai

ession weary. "What are

should have believed you. Samantha is gone.

time there was a flicker of hope. "Kalix, I

derstand, Luna. Just know that I'm here for you, a

nd sorrow there. She nodded slowly. "We'll take i

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