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A Painful Mistake

Chapter 4 Part 4

Word Count: 696    |    Released on: 11/06/2024

him because I would not give up on him in the ev

en avoided me, he rubbed my pussy so

that." She

I answered and stood up be

for being here wit

for being with me t

" She rubbed my face again and I saw her tears streaming dow

ling, AJ. As a

. Her arms were just because I was c

fight him because I'm afraid of losing. He is my greatest love but we are not dr

said to me and took my han

u." I an

want to never get hurt and just be numb, I want to be peaceful and don't think I'm ruining and hurting my fellow people because I carry it until

answer is a

erious and he was still breathing for

dnight." AJ told me so much

and didn't speak. I thought it wa


r it and is crazy about finding

d at me. I was just t

oo." I nodded and d

e said and t

." he told me. The door to his

?" I asked her and hel

riefly and fixed AJ's pla

ht for me."

" I ask

I'm fine." he

stood up. I said goodbye to AJ a

ng?" I asked while

nswered briefly and

oing?" he asked

eplied because MC was ho

h ate?" he asked me

er cells are spr

ew that there was a lot of medicine he was

I was swallowed up when I saw Llishan at the door and

." I'm sorry. He raise

ou been?!" he

ou been separated from

no relationsh

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