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ORIGIN: The Hollow Reaper

Chapter 4 Diddle Diddle

Word Count: 1643    |    Released on: 06/06/2024

pouring from the sky. On earth, he would spend most of his time preparing before he actually eliminating the target


ok his

happened to my body

disintegrated durin

ion won't take a hit and t

ll remain as a myth, a ghost to them who had a hundred percent success rate in assassinations

the ground. As he was searching for the source, he saw a group of five strange looking creatures dragging something. If he saw these creature

men, f

, a cobra's, and their lower body seemed to be human. And two of them had t

he thing they were dragging was not an object

ired to walk in this damn rain." one of the

alking two days strai

lose her again, the queen will skin us alive if we do." the one wi

ation and now she's harmless as a butterfly, besides

urn into her tru

a small glimmer of snakeskin on her neck and r

age level seven, one le

d catch them by surprise and kill them silently one by one without alerting the others. But before that, he decided to open the system and browse th

enough, but system, explain how

ecruitment feature. The target must be willing to accept to be Host's subordinate and

etray me or know abo

the host, the system would activate the countermeasures and eliminate or punish the subordinate before the subordinate could harm the host. For your last

dumb to enough to say that I have a system in my mind." h

it?" Dastra said as they all sighed in relief except for the girl who kept wiggling

to sleep

om above and felt like th

iper or an assault r

kill those snakemen?» the syst

points and rewards fo


nce somewhere, why would I waste such a great opportunity li



actually human in his mind but

s slowly jumped branch to branch like a monkey and checked the p

ra creating fire from his hand. A stream of fire fle

oking at this because this was the first

the system in his mind as the sy

ame: Dra

fensive t

end a stream of drag

e: s


re will be increased, the host can use both h

00 reape

t buy

tience was crucial so he trained his mind to replay a movie whence he wants. And after replaying a couple of movies, the snakes started

like a chameleon because of his b

." Dastra said and looked a

e wi

they went to sleep on the wet ground. After a few minutes, the snakes started to snore withou

so killing one wouldn't alert the other but after waiting f

ction would d

kills Dastra. Planning his next move, he leaped towards another branch and appeared right above Dastra's


he tree as Dastra and the other sn


ind the tree and just as he thought, Dastr

, I'll go

Michaelis planned to jump down and stab the knife straight between the eyes. He was glad that at least Ramiel

iddle, we

the point where the other sna


f the thunderclaps and Michaelis' perfect athleticism reduced the sound of his landing. Even after stabb


stage level 10 cultivator. The reward is 7,000

st of them. So before the other snake got suspicious, he swiftly mo


ichaelis came behind him and sent his knife through his forehead

eeing the turn of events but she didn't make an


stage level 8 cultivator. The reward is 6,000 t

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