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Destined With The Forbidden Prince


Word Count: 1011    |    Released on: 05/06/2024


g perfection. " Yes, I am a new student, I just resumed this morning and I was directed to Class 12 but I missed my way", he said. "Ohh, you are in my class, I am also in Class 12 ", I said. "That's nice, I am Louis Lynch and you?", He asked. "I am Roseline Martina but you can call me Rose" ,I said. "Nice to meet you Rose ,can you please lead me to the class, if you don't mind", he asked. "Sure, I was on my way there before we b

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other empty seat close to me. The reason is because that sea belongs to Susan's boyfriend, James. The number one bully of the class. "Yes, that's the only reason I told me to seat by

ome of my notes and I helped him complete the rest of them. We have also gotten to know each other better. He's eighteen presently but would be nineteen in a month time. I told him that he's already nineteen but he disagreed saying that since his b

to celebrate " she said happily . "Mum, tell me what's going on. What exactly are we celebrating " I asked impatiently. " Calm down dear, let me go get some cookies and chilled pineapple juice, because this gist needs refreshments. "This suspense is killing mum, tell me already", I shouted. "Okay, okay, I would tell you", she said as she dropped the refreshments on the table. " I just got awarded with a contract", she screamed. " Wow mum, congratulations", I said. " Yes baby, I received a call this morning from ASRS", she said excitedly. The ASRS is one of the biggest reality tv show. It's a reality show for the Americ

- rich" freaks but now, we are filthy rich. Moreso, I am the only child, I am so lucky . Our lives changed in a blink of an eye. I am so happy, who wouldn't b

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