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Cursed Together With Mr. Vampire; I need to drink his blood!

Chapter 5 5. Hunted

Word Count: 1079    |    Released on: 02/06/2024


entire body glowed green,

y on the vampire in front of her, which was expected, considering that g

e vampire who drank it feel like burning for three days? The

re no longer bound by chains. "My st

eet, all of Triana's gu

ve now!" Grivin said, gra

d lost a lot of blood, making her dizzy and weak. She was escorted by her guards towar

n she turned around to her other guards, who

ngly gaunt face, revealing a pair of long and sharp fangs. Af

claimed as he reopened the he

il she stumbled out of the prison room towards the hallway, which on

ut the door closed back before the

he sound of falling iron hitting the stone floor were heard. Sh

covering her mouth with both hands while stepping back. With no other

t hunching over. Her steps were unsteady, as if she wasn't touching the

en windows. On the uneven and dirty floor, she continued to step as fast as she could towards

e supposed to be in pain and choose to die

e hope of eternal beauty to brighten her future was now threatening her life. All her struggles would be

to bring happiness to eve

herwise? Triana's beauty caused

ldn't have obeyed the witch's orders. But now everything was too late. No. From the beginning, ever

she didn't make Vlador drink her potion. Even if she didn't bring her gu

lowing from all directions. Although she didn't find anything chasing her, she

drinking the guards' blood now. He won't have time to

ut getting lost. But she found that the remaining guards who were supposed t

t good. It looks like

w failed attempts due to her weak knees. After successfully sitting, she spurred the horse's

ish?" Triana complained to

forward, staining her beautiful dress. But she quickly got up and l

ho did not allow her to ride horses too often. Even if she were to ride, the servants alw

the horse's body again with her remaining energy. However, t

th a stiff neck, she turned around only to make her b

The blood that smeared on his mouth and chin was still dripping onto his shabby white tunic that was wet with

s the vampire who had sucked her blood earlier. However, he was no l

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