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Billionaire's redemption romance

Chapter 10 Dangerous waters

Word Count: 836    |    Released on: 26/05/2024

now he was nowhere to be seen. Actually, it was a pain to watch him like a two-year-old child who h

, she had been l

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1 Chapter 1 Shattered Dreams 2 Chapter 2 The betrayal scheme3 Chapter 3 And this was just the beginning4 Chapter 4 Encounters and escape5 Chapter 5 A night of revelations6 Chapter 6 Morning7 Chapter 7 A date with Mr Brown8 Chapter 8 Clash at sea9 Chapter 9 A cruise of uncertainty10 Chapter 10 Dangerous waters11 Chapter 11 Collision course12 Chapter 12 Confrontations and Revelations13 Chapter 13 Shattered Trust14 Chapter 14 A Whisper of Comfort15 Chapter 15 Unspoken Truths16 Chapter 16 A Shattered Calm17 Chapter 17 Vengeance in the shadows18 Chapter 18 Shadows in the Atrium19 Chapter 19 Unsteady Ground20 Chapter 20 Revelations and Regrets21 Chapter 21 Unwelcome Surprises22 Chapter 22 Tensions and Plans Unveiled23 Chapter 23 Facing the Truth24 Chapter 24 Turned down25 Chapter 25 Shook26 Chapter 26 Brian's control27 Chapter 27 The viper28 Chapter 28 The Battle29 Chapter 29 Brian 30 Chapter 30 Trapped and Desperate31 Chapter 31 The Plan Unravels32 Chapter 32 Escaping the predator33 Chapter 33 Fractured resolutions34 Chapter 34 Unexpected reunion35 Chapter 35 A Twist of Fate36 Chapter 36 Restless Night, Unsettling Riddles37 Chapter 37 Confrontations and Hidden Agendas38 Chapter 38 Unexpected Appointments and Tensions39 Chapter 39 Revelations and Resolutions40 Chapter 40 Into the shadows41 Chapter 41 Standing Firm42 Chapter 42 A Night of Secrets43 Chapter 43 Unveiling the past44 Chapter 44 The hidden legacy45 Chapter 45 Hidden Motives and Unexpected Alliances46 Chapter 46 Desperation and Defiance47 Chapter 47 Unraveling Defenses48 Chapter 48 Shifting Sands49 Chapter 49 Deception Unveiled50 Chapter 50 Stepping Into Shadows51 Chapter 51 Navigating Corporate Waters52 Chapter 52 Secrets and Surprises53 Chapter 53 A Hard Lesson Learned54 Chapter 54 The Unexpected Ally