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Riverview High

Chapter 4 Privileged observer

Word Count: 934    |    Released on: 24/05/2024

gh he cut an unmistakably striking figure with his tall, broad-shouldered build, chiseled Greco-Roman features, and an aura of restrained power and wealth that seemed

t him like a teeming marine ecology - the billionaire hedge fund progenies traveled in a pack, flashing bravado and envious sideways glances at one another's designer wardrobes. The jock muscle displayed feats of athletic prowess to ens

passionately observing the behaviors of colorful chimps or bonobos. These ambitious, status-obsessed children remained hopelessly blind to the layers upon layers of powerful, generational societal undercurrents surging just below the

ough one of the arched stone breezeways accompanied by his ever-present entourage of fawning sycophants. Of all the ambitious social climbers who littered these hallowed grounds, James Star undoubtedly possessed the sharpest instincts and closes

triarchs with an ingratiating smile and sweep of the forelock. Even from this distance, Julian could detect the subtle quickening of the elderly woman's pulse from beneath th

into currying introductions, unpaid internship opportunities, and high-society calendared events in the years ahead. Truly, the young Machavellian chose his prey with the co

climbing, he could begrudgingly respect the other young man's ruthless determination to rise through Riverview's ranks by any means necessary. In a twisted way, James personified the win-at-all-

ity and control. But his eyes had been pried fully open to the harsh realities of their privileged realm before most could even speak in full sentences. And he recognized James' brazen machinations and schoolyard politi

the spot he'd last seen the new girl Alex Torres - the one with the reckless penchant for unearthing secrets better left undisturbed and undying allergy to solemn obligations. She had unwittin

ough his family's intelligence streams. If this foolish girl's path continued to intersect with sensitive affairs to which she

hly-polished oxford heel and strode off towards his next obligation. He walked alone as always

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