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Joe the Hotel Boy; Or, Winning out by Pluck


Word Count: 1779    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

t him in charge of all of the boats at the hotel, so tha

el and others came in. Among those to go were Felix Gussing and the two young l

ing," said Joe. "I

gh I generally go to a di

ect to stay in Riv

move, I hope you do

mehow, looked familiar to our hero. He came dressed in a light

where?" Joe asked himself

tte, Montana. He said he was a mining expert, but added that he

ice place," said he, "so I came o

your stay a pleasant one," sai

om, where I can get fresh air

s in the house, one overlooking the river and the lake. He ate one meal

d Joe, after watch

seem to be well," an

e seen him before, but I can't

e says this is his first trip to the East, althoug

called for a physician and

m the West, and pointed to his chest. "

eful examination and then said the

big rock came down on me. I had to hold it up for ten minutes b

nt," said the doctor. "Perhaps you'll feel

ething and passed the room of the new boarder. He saw

m before," mused our hero. "It

mself did the job. As he was rowing he asked about the man w

ery sick

s the physician's answer. "He lo

he keeps t

is mine to unsettle his nerves. He t

e a m

Mallison told me, but he nev

s the next day and then a telegram.

who answered his ring. "I want you to send for

ner was sent for without delay. He came and m

But when the doctor had left he quietly poured half of the contents o

lf. "I'd rather have some good liquor any day," and he t

drove up to the hote

the hotel and asked

r. David Ball," sa

all is

and that is why I

nd up yo

ll him Mr. Anderson is here, from

s room, and word came down that he wo

nd he can't talk business ve

ch," answered the man who ha

this conversation and he looked the

to himself. "But where? I declare he is

hest pitch, and when the two men walked up to D

d. On the bed lay the man from Montana, wrapped in seve

Anderson, as he stalked in. "

n bed. "The doctor says I am in bad shape. He wan

Anderson. "We won't trouble you an

e was a kindly looking gentleman. "Perhaps we had

Besides, I admit I need money badly. If it wasn't for that-". The man in bed beg

r the time being Joe heard

ood reason. He felt certain that the man in bed was shammin

where," he reasoned. "I wish I

, and on the other side was another closet, opening into the room the men were in. The partition between was of

ock?" he heard M

d I'll show you," answered the man in

ce and then the r

tom price for these?"


bly take twenty-five thousand,"

ce value-fifty thousand do

followed, and then mo

rice Vane, as he prepared to leave. "In the mea

on. I've got another off

man called Anderson. "So don

irs. Five minutes later they were driving a

tched them go. "I'll wager all I am worth that I've met that Anderson before, an

once more. To his surprise he saw Mr. David Ball sitting in

morning," he mused. "In fact, I

e back, but an errand took him up the lake. He had to stop at several

ould not tell what, made him run over and take a look at the spot that had proved a shelter f

had seen there-the fellows who had talked about mining stocks. Then, of

l is that fellow who called himself Malone, and Ande

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