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The Alpha's Untamed Heart: Beast Within

Chapter 2 Whispers in the Dark

Word Count: 1496    |    Released on: 07/05/2024

es protesting slightly from the unfamiliar comfort of the plush bed. She sat up, taking in her surroundings. The room was simple yet com

he edge of a sprawling clearing, surrounded by a dense forest that seemed to stretch as far as the eye c

"Come in," she called out, her voic

own hair Anya had noticed the night before. The girl curtseyed aw

ly. "Thank you.

shy. "Mara," she mumbled. "Elara sai

ide, but someone who seemed genuinely friendly. "Th

tion. "Follow me," she said

it instantly – the room she had arrived in the night before. It was still filled with activity, with people

ing fire. The woman, her face weathered and worn, looked up as they appr

ding a hand. "Elara asked i

surprisingly strong grip. "I'm Hilda," she said gruffly. "You'l

ed high with steaming food. The aroma of roasted meat and fresh bread filled the air, making Anya's s

es of pack life drifted past – training schedules, rumors of rival packs, and the

ice cut through the ch

ing behind him with a scowl etched on her face. All conversat

rt hammering against her ribs. "Y

e space between them. "You will accompany Nadia on a scouting mi

iewed her with suspicion, sounded like a recipe for disaster

on?" Nadia sneered. "What use wil

ou will face the consequences." He looked back at Anya. "Be

d and strode away, leaving Anya f

ered. "Don't worry, Anya. Nadia might be harsh, but she's a skilled tr

smile. "Thanks, Mara. I could

Anya had no idea what awaited her on this scouting mission, but she was determined to pr

e a discordant melody. Nadia, clad in dark leather armor that seemed to mold to

ng enough,"

had to..." she trailed off, u

. "Don't expect any special treatment on thi

uing with Nadia wouldn't get her anywhere. Taking a

st. The sunlight struggled to penetrate the dense canopy, casting long shadows that danced across the

struggled to keep pace, her city-bred boots sinking uncomfortably into th

hissed, her

the rustling of leaves the only sounds she could

look. "Human senses," she

ding shivers down Anya's spine. It wasn't the growl

whispered, gesturing towards a thick

hind. The growl came again, closer this time, followed by a hea

repidation. They reached the edge of the thicket, and Nadia crouched down, peering

r of midnight, stood in the clearing ahead. Its eyes, glowin

was a magnificent beast, radiating raw power and untamed savagery. A pr

d to pass between them. The wolf's amber eyes softened for

let out a sharp hiss. "A scouting party from the Bloodfang

th. Nadia turned and grabbed Anya's arm, pulling her back through the und

clearing, Nadia panting heavily. Leaning against a

ged. "Those Bloodfangs have been getting bol

ngest part was the flicker of empathy she thought she'd seen in its eyes. What was a Bloodfan

xpectantly. "Well, hu

'd experienced? But before she could decide, a new sound reached t

're calling us back. Someth

, her mind swirling with questions and a growing sense of foreboding. The peaceful life she'd envisioned

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