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The Onyx Awakening: The Earthdragon's Accord

The Onyx Awakening: The Earthdragon's Accord

Author: aceyduck

Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 864    |    Released on: 01/05/2024

sea of nothingness, even time did not exist. It was as if life itself had died or perh

Something that looked like a small dot started shining with all its might, white, blue, green, and red rays started to wave around

aura, it had a build like that of a strong warrior, and it possessed a height that seemed to surpass that of even the tal


ce resounded in every corner of the void. The golden eyes then moved, the

to life. My will is the law. My words are the

nse and mighty that it tore apart space itself, creating gaps in betw

oked at one of the worlds, a world with n

ke once more: "To this

ve eggs of different colors and five

lements that compose this world I will bestow on

he power of air will be created. I shall name you Lo

pure white. The egg then was enveloped in a white l

e power of water will be created. I shall name you R

ch was a calm and refreshing blue color. This time the egg

e power of earth will be created. I shall name you M

t on a dark green egg. The egg started sha

wer of fire will be created. I shall name you Ryuu.

r egg. It was red as blood, and suddenl

earth, and fire began to swirl and form a vortex of energy. They began to collide,

weather system, and providing its inh

eggs settled and l

borns have awak

tone, a black onyx. The stone was pitch black and s

, it will bring with itself chaos and destruction, a primordial force of nature tha

r into the hearts of those that walk in this

o shine with an eerie light. "But you should rise when the time comes, because you are the beginning

re was silen

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