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I'm Into You

I'm Into You


Chapter 1 I don't disagree

Word Count: 1306    |    Released on: 27/04/2024

, Clarissa is a very beautiful wom

e leaned his large frame against the back of the leather couch and rubbed his palms over his eyes. He was exhausted. Sleep rarely came to him, and when it did, he re

s willing to question him, her Alpha, a practice unheard of in her generation. Then again, maybe it wasn’t just her

and I had already been married for close to a decade by the time we were

o the conversation. Had they drawn numbers in advance

s if it pained him to continue the sentence, “… the women you’ve been using to meet your physical needs are half-souls. They aren’t enough to bind your humanity, especially for this many years. You’re a strong man and a strong

he idea of meeting his sexual needs with humans—or half-souls, as shifters called them—repulsed his family, they were certain he’d been making a practice of it. How else c

eturning from the change was becoming more and more difficult, with his wolf clinging to its form, not wanting his human to take over. And th

, Zev. We know what you’ve been

son’s oddities without looking down on him. After all, since Zev had begun his Alpha training, the Etzgadol pack had grown steadily, even more so since the young wolf had taken ove

serious. You cannot continue to choose this lifestyle. Your body

When was the last time he’d truly rested? He combed his fingers through his straight brown hair and resisted the urge to

choosing this. I hate being alone. I haven’t tied with an

xample, and they all admired her. But having power within the pack didn’t change Lori’s nature, her need to protect the family, to keep it strong. She couldn’t go against their elders, which

well over half of our lives without the mating bond. Please, it’s time to let go of childish fantasies and accept your fate. You haven’t been blessed with a true mate, but you can still live a full life. Just tie wi

rents had long ago stopped pretending the offers were about dinner and a movie. Were his parents honest with these women about the purely sexual role they were expected to play

companionship.” He spat out his response, his tone expressin

us, and we can help you. If the females in our pack aren’t satisfactory, we’l

Had any other man ever faced an eighty-year-old woman offering

ll are a deal-killer, and I haven’t ever

haired woman threw h

ith a female shifter in order to bind his humanity, and the female needs to accept that t

were crossed over his knees. Yeah, he was very familia

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