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I'm Into You

Chapter 5 Zev

Word Count: 1369    |    Released on: 27/04/2024

anding up to his family once again and garnering their support for his future mating was all well and good, but none of it meant a thing if his mate didn’t return

, showing the spirits of those who came before. Come back to me, Jonah. Our spirits

will. His wolf was tired of waiting for his human to find their mate and the wolf wanted control of their form so he could go find Jonah and claim hi

lf. When that happened, the fear driving the intervention his family had staged that night would become a reality: Zev’s human

e-year-old Zev Hassick pleaded with his father, desperately hoping he could convince the man that his

ters who send their kids to the city school until h

, and this was his last chance to convince his parents to let him transfer from the pack school to

nd he comes from a good family. You’ve k

his mother… well, Leah’s… unusual, Zev. She’s not from these parts. You know Jer

s face. He didn’t like the way his father and the other pack males disregarded Mrs. Harrison. For th

nd they were devastated when she left. Toby told me that when they go visit his gran

side and appraised his son. Zev knew what his dad was thinking. How many times had he been told that he w

when they started shifting, young boys rarely managed to maintain their wolf form for longer than a few minutes, but Zev shifted for hours at a time. Not only that, but the discomfort associated with bones moving and reshaping never seemed to plague Zev. His parents seemed proud of Zev’s unique nature when it came to strength in shifting. He’d often

nd adored by his elders, so his parents didn’t understand why he often wandered off alone, changing into his wolf skin and disappearing into

is father—Zev’s destiny to lead his pack—he gave one

understand technology and have a better grasp of the outside world. Things aren’t like they were when you were m

les in the pack for generations, and it hadn’t escaped Zev’s notice that his father was pleased to have sired not only the future male Alpha, as was clear from Zev’s display of strength since his early days, but also, it seemed, the future female Alpha. Zev’s twi

far removed from all the changes taking place in the world. And it will be important for th

or. He couldn’t let his father know how fundamentally important that decision had been. After all, nobody could ever know

earsed, Zev turned toward the hallway, then looked back over his shou

lly treat his children inequitably, but Lori was a female and therefore he automatically considered her vulnerable. Plus, no elder thought fema

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