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The Girl He Noticed Rashly

Chapter 4 Power He Holds

Word Count: 2467    |    Released on: 27/04/2024


reflected on this milestone, I couldn't help but notice the lack of enthusiasm from my mother about

settle down with a decent man, subtly hinting at Adhish. Adhish - my closest friend, the one who had been my constant companion through thick and thin. But everything ch

ing we had much to discuss. Yet, our conversations skirted around the elephan

I couldn't decipher. Had she truly accepted my decision to pursue my dreams

'd checked it out online a gazillion times, but nothing prepares you for the sheer scale of the place. And no, I'm not exaggerating, ok

Shah Rukh Khan, the OG Bollywood king, once dropped some wisdom about how if you really want something from the bottom o

man embodiment of a fireworks display, bursting with life and laughter. Unlike me, who usually takes ages to warm up to new people, Stacey just dove

ng her around has been a game-changer. It's nice to have someone to hang

lf. There's this electric energy pulsing through the streets, and I'm totally here for it. Overall, life

" Stacey chirped as

ied, a smile automaticall

day?" she asked, her ey

plied, adjusting the

" she said, and we

unlight casting long shadows, my phone suddenly bega

," he greeted, his words ca

a fond smile playing on my lips. "But,

with that," he insisted. "I've missed you like crazy, and I know yo

istence, a warmth spreading through m

, a silent encouragem

s momentarily consumed by the we

one suddenly serious. "Okay, I want to talk to you about somet

at this conversation would inevitably circle back to that

en up with Dia. The revelation hit me like a t

med, unable to mask t

ent. "Oh come on, is it really that hard to un

me feel any better," I admitted, the weight of his decision bearing down on me like a heavy bur

en grappling with these feelings for a long time." He paused, his words hanging in the air like a delicate

before I could dwell on our conversation any longer, fate intervened in the form of a collision –

reak, I cannot afford

that it had survived my carelessness unscathed. Thankfully,

yself, franticall

I began, but I was c

st. Mr. Phillip is asking for

I hurried towards the classroom, leaving behind the chaos


dn't help but feel a surge of power coursing through my veins. The man's fear was palpable, radiating off hi

Kapoor," I growled, my voice low and dangerous.

ace of my dominance. It was almost too easy, watching him crumble under

choke out, but I silenced him w

sue towards him. He hesitated, his hand shaking as he reached out to take it. I watched

I commanded, risi

Oh, not the tissue," I clarified, my tone dripping with menac

ered, but I cut him o

re the building, is mine now and I intend to take it. You have until tomorrow morning to h

in the face of my dominance. "O

. "Tomorrow morning, 10 o'clock. My secretary

and strode out of the room, lea

the hallway. "Man, he looked like he w

at old man's misery" I chuckled darkly,

? The power, the cont

w, his laughter echoin

. I promised her that I will meet

dating a child, anyway?" I scoffed. "Doe

ab. "It works, man. Besides

ppose she's not after your

ght? You need to find someone

ring beneath my calm facade. "Chicks are


ting him off mid-sentence. "Let's get moving

e our way to the car. "Whatever you say, man," he mut

ll didn't quite grasp the depths of my

ower, there was no room for weakness. And


bodyguard stood at the ready. Stepping out, I felt the atmosphere shift around me. Silen

ed their heads, acknowledging my presence with a silent reverence that spoke volumes. I couldn't help

as he was practic

y,. "It has been too long, hasn'

iously. "We're happy to see you," I chuckled softly,

ntain his composure. "Well, we've missed having you around," he sa

ge the subject. "Yes, well, we've been doing our best

I asked, though I already knew what he was goi

"Well, as you know, we've been working hard to update the facilities, improve th

nterjected, saving James's ass.

rastructure of the college, when suddenly someone collided with me. "Wh

y woman who crosses my path, but there was s

eve her phone, but even from that angle, her curves had me mesmeri

ogize, but her words were drowned o

she straightened up, her face finally comi

as my eyes locked onto her. "Holy fuck," I whispered

her face. Her eyes, dark brown and shining with innocence, held a power that drew me in. Her wavy brown hair

me the wildness that lurked within.My eyes were filled with a hunger I couldn't deny, a lust that

he turned and ran off in the direction

" Jason couldn't hide

y veins. She was a challenge, one that I was more than willing to accept

"I added, my voice dripping with a dangerous edge as I watched her disappear

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