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The Alpha’s Arranged Bride

Chapter 4 His chosen mate

Word Count: 1326    |    Released on: 25/04/2024


e beauty wasn't something I would call a hobby. But it will soon develop into on

waves and they swayed alongside her hips that were cu

s, I was aware of how strict Mrs Flint was in her daughter's outings so I willed

ing her for the first time and I must say I wasn't disappointed. Her

ad seen what I wanted to, though I won't deny I felt the desire to

r emergence so I deluded myself into beli

to the apartment swung open and out came three girls of similar age to Lavender. I smiled, raising my binoculars t

to remain calm, I should know Lavender grew up having her freedom, it w

ar one of the girls speaking, there was a bit

should tak

door, not fully out, he

ndle her liquor well, trust me to keep her c

ouldn't leave at the moment? Now that w

and I proceede

centred on Lavender. I was ready to break his bone

f his apartment without sparing his

anger I was feeling. I looked down at her and frowned, how

d softly while walking the st

nd her exposed shoulders glistened under the weather. I didn'

oluntarily. Though the state she was in gave me no desire to smile but sh

" I said in amusement. She seemed to be pleased at finally hearing the correct sen

my arms, I stood before the house I had only left hou

voices conversing. Mr Flint must be home then, the masc

e could think of getting the doo

and was gulping down some broth. Mrs Flint who I recognized on t

already concluded was genuinely taken aback and perplexed, he dropped the bowl soundly and rose to his feet. Mrs F

avender in my arms, when they did, Mr Flint was the fi

ather." I spat my anger from

his eyes glaring daggers all into

my position unworthy?" Mr Flint shot, his fingers were wrapped

nly further i

er!" He bellowed. "Wha

on but calmness was one principle I va

h while your daughter is about to get molested by some thin-lipped scrawny fellow! If I wasn't there, do you have

e you of both of the duties concerning her welfare." I declared still

e tried reaching for Lavender and instead re

lint. He drew her by the shoulder

n rights activist?

iately stunning him for a full minute. He remained

grabbed her husband's arms and tr

n daughter, you didn't take me to her father en

utburst came. "I never asked questions concerning her father and opted to t

take your mannerless self away from her, I'

s, I walked to one of the three se

my mate in the next two days." I declared and for the second time

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