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The Alpha’s Arranged Bride

The Alpha’s Arranged Bride

Author: Sully Raff

Chapter 1 The Start

Word Count: 1140    |    Released on: 25/04/2024


me greyness and laugh lines in the form of wrinkles decorated her face. Except for nature ta

s over her thighs but I could still see the light trem

and speak but the words appeared to be clogged in her

ust a little girl." Mrs Flin

smile was enveloped by the warm and loving hug of Mrs Flint, she had a missing tooth and insisted on the adorable act of

18. No one needed to inform me that was Lavender, if anything her grey eyes gave her

ld." I countered calmly eye

re quick to jump on opportunities that favoured the

sped, she had them wide open pleading for my help and the words she had out were a glaring objection to what she was saying. Her

een." Her words echoed in my air making it more difficult

I was aware of while Lavender was birthed, grown to b

ppreciation for saving my daughter's life." Mrs Flint paused again, s

lemma, she felt she was in right now. Though I could barely see it as a problem, at the same

the fixed day should I

collected, I loved hearing the opinions of others and giving them room to object which is why

nly. She nodded again as if to s

protected my daughter over the years, I live with the satisfaction of know

nd listened to her talk. Her eyes were glossed from unshed tears and her

f the arrangements." She swallowed once. "It will come as a

d but Mrs Flint only frowned, she wanted so badly to break from her calm facade and yell a thousand and o

only a

wing fully well it was going to go my way at the end. She wouldn't dare brea

uld have you know she's a medical student and her lines of dreams she wants to achieve are unending."

shoulders sagged, and I let her experience her emotional r

he sniffed and resumed talking. "I do

ed," I murmured,

anor she had 18 years ago while being heavily pregnant with Lavender. "...that you give me som

ined frozen with that same humble ex

ff we wait for her to retu

how that would traumatize Lavender, she would be shocked and go through a series of emotions, it


tion that I gave no room for argument. "I

t of her before walking off with t

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