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Loving You is all I do.

Chapter 2 A Glimmer Of Hope.

Word Count: 540    |    Released on: 24/04/2024

agreed to think about it. As she walked back across the fields, she couldn't help but feel a sense of hope. Maybe, just maybe, this was the start of something new. Maybe their fam

ant to help Jake, but we can't ignore the history between our families. The Matthews have wronged us in the past." Ava nodded, knowing this. But she also knew that holding onto grudges wouldn't solve anything. "I know, Dad. But I truly believe this could work. And think of Jake - he's a good person, and he doesn't deser

ld oak tree, his eyes fixed on her. Ava's heart skipped a beat as she walked towards him. "Hey," Jake said, his voice low. "I heard you talked to my dad today." Ava nodded, her heart racing. "I did. I proposed that our families work together, combine our farms." Jake's expression was skeptical. "What did he say?" Ava hesitated. "He said he'd think about it. But I know he's still hesitant." Jake nodded, his eyes never leaving hers. "I know my dad, Ava. He's stubborn. But I also know he want

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