they were wolves after all. Werewolves didn't exist and all of humanity knew that, there was no way to find out anything. Unless one day he was captured as a wolf and magically woke up as a human, his life would end there. He tried not to rush. He
but the guilt was too consuming for him to do anything about it. A few minutes later, he saw that Kurt had
imself down, he didn't even know why he needed to do this, but he knew he did. He counted to ten, slowly. "You're all right," he repeated to himself. "You're all right," he repeated. "You're okay," and he kept going, until the fifth ti
d some cold water on his face to improve the situation, but it had no effect. The smell of wolf began to fill the air more and more, and his breathing became eve
hink of something. I'm feeling something peculiar too, I've locked myself in the room," Kurt told over the call. Jack, still struggling, told his partner that his teeth and claws had already grown in and that his body was twitching too
able to do anything. Kurt could hear everything, every scream, every growl, but it was still Kurt. For a moment, all sounds ceased. "Jack?" ask
ent or make any noise that would disturb the neighbors. He possessed a little conscience
ing from the bathroom, someone vomited. He walked over and opened the door to find Jack sitting on the floor, human and almost naked, vomiting into the toilet bowl. "You're all right, thank God," Kurt relieved himself. "I was anxious". Jack said that he had turned back into a human a few minutes ago. Because he was more conscious than normal, he could fee
hat his family had a good reputation and that he suffered from some things he didn't like to talk about. He had no interest in him and no other people. He liked to be alone.