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Chapter 3 ONE

Word Count: 2475    |    Released on: 20/04/2024

p breath,clears my thr


th a wide grin as her eyes scanned over the

r ha

take you out o


ve loved ever since teenage days?Not to mention,when they know th

Roberto Moret

fact that his late parents and hers were more like business partners.Their family had been into the mafia;an organisation which she and her mum never a

and his baby sister, as well as Camilla's father

live when they were both the ones against it.She wondered

rvival was clear;he was the

sold off their baby sister to human traffickers for power.He,fo

pened during the

scene after murdering her father and brother,and till that day,h

to seek justice for their families against his b

,followed by her mum's calm v

her room door before answering out."Yeah,mum,"Standing up,

mum divulged."He was worried about you;sa

o.He always cared and got worried five minutes af

ly saw hi

u upset with him?Did yo

led at Guilia."No,mum.I zoned

features, but she was quick to mask it off with a sob

hich he died of.If he hadn't been so hell-bent on this whole mafia shit,he and Carlo would'v

to be sad about it,but don't let it ruin your happiness.People come and go,

my ch

t's not fair!The circumstances in which they were ki

rto has promised to bring the one behind their murde

her jaw clenched, and she fisted her hands into balls beside h

a mon

heeks, and her eyes softened."Hate is a very st


go and reply Roberto's message.We don't want him gettin

la no

and pecked Camilla's

d closed the door, and then strode to her bed.Picking up her

r ha

take you out o




g to my texts.Are


re you


eared on the lower le



ehend anything,her pho

way the strands of her thick,black,straight hair that was falling ov

t Roberto beat her to it."Where the fuck


eard the sound of shuffling on the other side."You weren't replying to my

sat on her bed."I'm

."You don't sound like your usual self.Your voice sounds

ys been like that since they were teenagers."I'm okay.Just missed day and Carlo.I was also missing your family

he other end.Only the sound of

poke up."

ned."Why are

lied."I'm just sorry.I'm sorry you and Guilia had to

g you didn't cause.The person that's the cause of everything should b

I'm still trying to find anything that could lead me

a's eyes flicked to the alarm clock on he

an I-" He sounded nervous.

You know I'd be delighted to go o

k you around seven,"He pau

l be read

,"He said."By

ve yo

hone was an indication tha

her bed and walked to her c

of,it was the fact that Roberto was

ulders,complimenting her look.She didn't put too much make up on as she wasn't a fan.Adorning her dressing with a

nd her heart swelled with joy at the

.She could feel it coursing through her veins.They've come so far in their rel

breath at the realis

an engaged woman by

e look on Roberto's face when she would say y

f her thoughts, and Camilla turned towards t

,ma'am,"the maid sa

smile widened."I'


d picked up her hand bag,then rush

s he spoke to her mum.He was dressed in a simple button-up

e over

simple,Roberto's head whipped towards her direction and his smile widened


came out m

a smiled at her."Don

was standing beside Roberto, and she felt chills runn

as taking you for


berto."Being away from home for a whil

ly agreeing with Guilia.He t

I'm ove

u look beautiful.I think I'


e,"Guilia said."You don't

's go,"Ro

ng as he drove them to the restaurant wh

ashing her a small smile."Wait,"Without letting her say anythin

berto as he held out his hand

d he locked it before wrappi



in,Roberto excused himself to talk to the receptionist and after doing tha

ts opposite each other,Roberto aske

a nice place.I

ds on the table and smiled at her."Have

yes playfully."C

ed of telling you that.I can't wait t


rders,please,"A waite


over it before looking back at the waiter."I'll have the pasta

her order and looked a

traight line as he stared up at the waiter."I'll take whatever she's ta

la fl

waiter nodd

dropped his fork on his plate."What?Ar

ir meal,so it made her wonder why he

d up from his seat,making her drop her fork

f her."Roberto-,"She looked around,for anyone who may be seeing them

dipped his hand in his pocket and brought ou

of the diamond ring st

grown stronger. Your kindness, your compassion, and your unwavering support have shown me the true meaning of love.Today, as I kneel before you, my heart is bursting with emotion because I realize that you are not just my partner, but my soulmate, my confidante, and my best friend. I cherish every moment we've shared together, and I long for a future filled with countle

im with her palms on her mouth.She always knew he was going


Will you marry m


s,before bringing the ring to the tip of her ring finger."Thank you

lla threw herself into his arms

own of her head.

el grey eyes watching them with an unwa


for r

think of t

at do you think of the proposal?{For reals,

steel grey eyes wat

the moment?Please share your thoug




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