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Loving The Beautiful Alpha

Chapter 2 2nd

Word Count: 1035    |    Released on: 20/04/2024

ng that Aster sees is a familia

ts on his chair and gave

ceived your congratulatory words, Ms.

woman tilted her head a little be

are acknowledging

ulting yo

it sounds like good

a problem in your ea

s stored inside your simple

d before rol

er makes you sleep

s lips before turning his head and stares at her pretty face. He may look bored and

with the way her face glows and her eyes lit up in delight. Sera definitely knows

imping too much

a bit, can you? It will surely ma

r sarcastically said befo

ing? Here. Wipe your sweat with it." Seraph

is wearing a black fitted tank top and a pair of skinny jeans that emphasizes not only the sexy curve of her body but also her

free from any tattoos similar to his. There are no blotches of colors decorating h

with my beauty a

itation before he returned t

oking at your patch." Asher said while pointing h

ing the suppressant patch on her ne


ly joined our clubs. They are too

yet ready to be mixed up with others,

h? Those kids obviously h

ppressants will hurt y

orried about me? I'm so touc

to deal with your annoying

. Before he can throw another snarky comment towards the female alpha, their old professo

f their examination. All of the students have to take their examinations so their professors can start computing their grades next week. After th

up his previous exams because he was too focused on his role as the captain of their men's collegiate volleyba

ance by telling him to perfect the eighty percent of his exams. If he still cannot do it, Asher

ons he reviewed last night. Half an hour had already passed and Asher is still too focused on answering his test papers. His mind is complete

n and v

too noticeable considering that their class is full of alphas like them. But Sera's addicting scent is somethin

ent and she instantly

our head around and start

papers. He closed his eyes and tell himself to focus on his exams. But no matter how much he tries to hypn

Fuck these

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