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Twisted Desires: He may never be mine

Chapter 8 A hint of betrayal

Word Count: 1457    |    Released on: 18/04/2024

y my name and chit chat with a we

rl that serve

eird g

n my head. He thought I was weird. I thought he was crazy

wide, his laughter filling the room with warmth. And beside me sat Ryan, his presence palpable, yet it did little to ease my discomfort. The fireplace stood quiet

warm, cozy rug, making it a perfect spot to gather and unwind. The TV above the fireplace played silently in the background, c

st if we got to know each other a little. Maybe it would make

chimed in, his eyes gle

r a moment, he almost convinced me that he actually wanted this, wanted me. But I knew bett

greed to this and I'm not running away again

red you can just stay the night," his eyes darted between my fat

his chair. "Ryan, make sure you're both here first thing in the morning. I want you both eng

ing me it was time for us to leave. I squeezed my eyes shut, giving my self a p


was filled with delicious smells from the kitchen. Waiters moved gracefully among the tables, ensuring everyone felt at home. Glasses clinked and laugh

his?" I ventured, my voic

t the facade of stoicism I thought he wore. "Hmm," he began, his tone measured and deliber

g us. "But do you want this, Ryan?" I pressed, the w

gs like that." His gaze remained steady, his expression unreadable as he m

y father just so he could leave for work. And here I was asking what he w

n breast with carrots and potatoes. All through the meal no one said a word. I flashed him a glance every no

I had trouble hiding my emotions. Our eyes met and I realized I w

l room, being free to do whatever I wanted, away from him sounded like hea

tel was only a few minutes away, which

. Ryan parked the car, and we stepped out into the warm after

of luxury, the soft murmur of conversation mingling with the g

brief exchange, his voice measured and delib

right away, sir." She answered so quickly. I turned my head, noticing eve

ain she didn't collect, I stood by Ryan's side, a s

nist informed us, her tone polite yet tinged with anxiety. "Room 100, one of

other guest waiting for Ryan. I exchanged a hesitant glance

, still under my name." He put his hands in his pocket and turned to me. "Wait here." his voice a mere

ment amplifying the unease that churned within me. Why was I nervous? I had no right t

ded me the keycard. "It's directly opposite." She whispered with

. I got in and scanned the card, I already knew the only way to acce

t my phone to check for any notifications and started scrolling through my social media. I was engrossed w

'm so sorry." I heard a feminine voice say with a sniff. I turned around to see who it

device, I heard him. "I told you to wait." He bit out. And as if

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