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Author: esang

Chapter 1 Part 1

Word Count: 1303    |    Released on: 16/04/2024

ear Divina's voice outside the room, so luckily I had al

garage because we were going to visit K

bye to Kuya Paul? Is he coming with

k because they might not let us in if it's too late. They're strict ab

d, and

s? And if Sr. struggles, we might lose our jobs, and I'll have to go bac

a Paul is there to guar

y then; we can ch

ed a large building bustling with people and impressive bec

alled a Mall here, Maleya. Do you

them, they're not as beautiful and big as h

l show you more so yo

fs. He was handsome, but why did he have to be half-n

about that. Don't dream about it,

e have any

how it is," she said w


I muttered as we got off

s for about a week. That's just

s like I still ha

head and go inside, I'll ask someone el

u sure you don't ne

y, I'll come in t

ance. Before I could fully enter,

looked like celebrities, and they were def

emed to have American heritage because of his ash-colored eyes.

en, stood out the most. He was taller, more serious-looking, and his

that you have such a beaut

s literally cra

o come closer, so I approached them.

me," I pointed to the

before?" h

t us to it," his Japanese

seems too innocent f

Maleya?" Sr. Aziel interru

mall earlie

ghter, except for Sr. Aziel and th

briefs there at the m

aleya, you're amu

for a bit, Aziel? H

too innocent," S

re just going for

you, so

, Maleya. Seems like your ma

oom," Sr. Azi


was already fixing the kitchen. She said Sr left early because he still had wo

calling me while catching

, why didn't you bring me? I don't h

uld tell him he left the envelope on the bed in

et, but he's forgetf

take that to

let's go!" I said as I

ave a lot to finish. Don't worry, C


you to give it to Sr; th

l make it in time

Long live


Kuya Cris?" I asked

most ther

eached a big building. I was amazed, but now wasn't the time

wait for you here and park this,

ank you,

in the middle of the path. I thought of ign

I still have time; i

ide to avoid it getting run o

ut to enter, the

, no e

ID, what kind o


but I need to give th

se won't w

ve this to him. Do you want me to go back to

kind. Just go, but are

you," I said b

n I find

ht the attenti

tment with him? He's i

this envelope to him,

ird floor; they're having a conference meetin

icle?" I stopped at the sign, making sure it's the elevator. It ope

ork?" I asked, b

" I said, but it

nse, so I stepped out and walked away

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