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Scarred Luna

Chapter 5 The Revelation

Word Count: 952    |    Released on: 09/04/2024

ull ache remained to remind me of the brutality of Lucas. As if tha

was glad all I felt was pain all over

. He was my own per

vely avoided her since the incident.

er. I wanted answers and I would

ecked the field but she was not there and I

my sight and I almost smiled. I si

n I realized she was not alone a

wearing a cloak and I could not see the person's face. That wa

thout them noticing and I hid again

ake our move yet" Mia said,

ed person

oment to strike. He won't see us

t need a little more time and we'll attack. I can't wait to get rid of the stupid bastard. Lucas will pay

ted Luc

said and she nodded and they hugged be

y spot and ran bac

ted Luc

ced with c

I know this should be good news for me but I just did not feel

a while before I

t it was a stupid ide

ew he was and I opened the


fuck did

etely forgot that a meet

all eyes t

' eyes as it blazed wi

get it over with. My enti

I swallowed before I ma

ard Mia speaking to a cloaked man and plotting your demise" I sa


and utter

to laugh and the other people in there slow

as so

abruptly and th

lled and they c

on" he ordered and my

uth" I argued, fighting th

d at me wit

aid and I swallowed in fear as

as the guards dragged me out of

he wretched dungeon w


nd stared at

dear Alpha dead" she said and I

sychopath" I said and she laug

lieve you and you are going to die" she whispered and

I said and

sed to see as pret

make it easy. You fucking whore. Who do you thin

stion that had been bugging my

asked again, further ex

she simply said and

e was no reason. S

nd sat on the filthy floor again, as my

nutes later, guards approached

em ordered as they

as t

was goi

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