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Word Count: 1357    |    Released on: 09/04/2024


scanned the crowd for Uncle Adrian. I spotted him leaning agai

"Guess what? I've made your absolute favori

Common unc

, let's go and home

ian," I replied, trying

alk about Damien. It felt too personal, too real. But as soon as we stepped into our house

" Uncle Adrian instructed, barel

le Adrian at the dining table. He looke

, Elly?" he asked, his fo

plied, shrugging. "N

that," Uncle Adrian protested.

ng fun happened , except

le's energy is unmatched, he acts like my best friend, my boyfriend, my daddy , my m

rolling my eyes play

forward, eager to hear more. " Y

he part where he tried to kiss me, Uncle Adrian's face went from thrilled

a tour guide?" he exclaimed, hi

a little embarrassed. "I refused, bu

fully, his expression unreadable.

ecause he didn't kiss me. I feel bad for making him feel bad, you know? I care

ly. "Just be careful, Elly. No

minded him, "But you know, Mom

ou must always remember to be cautious, espec

ief silence. I felt like I should continue the conversation, but I wasn't sure h

remarry?" I blurted out

hesitated for a moment before reluctantly rep

ody is going to maltreat me... I trust

a's love in my heart. And for now, let's just stick to me and you. Our growth and devel

lled with a mixture of love and sadn

amusement. "Where

lied, "Won't I ge

e said, trying to

ife might feel about our close relationship. "I know you're feeling like if you

ning. "Can we drop this topic and eat our meal

the topic too far. "Of course, Un

re. I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness, knowing that things would inevitably change betw

le Adrian and smiled. "Thanks for the

arlier dissipating. "You're welcom

eful for our close bond. Despite the challenges we faced and the uncertainties of the future,

ned to make the most of my time with Uncle Adrian and cherish every moment we had together. Because



from my mind. Her beautiful eyes, her radiant smile – everything about her was mesmerizing. I fi

ssed up,"

er... Common Dam I th

ysia is so

for my opinion..That's not a mess-up, Damien. It's an opportunity for change an

" I said a

he is , I'm s

happened so fast, I didn't

at me and continued and I'm surprised because I've never se

is in love

I love her," I confessed, my voice barely above a whisper. "

close. "Apologize to her tomorrow and tell her how you feel

said, feeling grat

ered me with a blanket, and left the r

ons. Elysia had managed to turn my world upside down in the span of a

smile was the last thing on my mind, filling me

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