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My Mate My curse

Chapter 2 Laura Stevenson

Word Count: 1830    |    Released on: 05/04/2024


or this

t by Sia feat



sun that burnt her skin and people pushing her body around. It was worst when CEO Abe Grayson

.O., she had heard alot about Abe Grayson, what was the use of asking if he never likes talking to the media.

At first she thought it was one of those journali

Multi billionaire Abe Grayson was standing before her holding her hand. She blinked not sur

d looking his Dazzling green eyes marveled her, so this was what he

y and her two legs immediately obeyed t



, about to start working on an ar

you tell me why yo

imedia company. A very rude and yet Crazy person, by crazy you had no id

come back From China after saying he was going to sign

igning deals seem entertaining

.I don

the entertainment department, I thought you had potential and

just a deal...

ried to

ow. If you go there and you are not the first to get the answer and publis

s company. Only to see flocks of other journalists, and now


u want from

d, as they both entered

t her closel

interview wit

a no

llionaire of one of the biggest and best entertainment companies would sing

he news. Who gets to be picked by such an af

still felt surreal, The woman who he had been sea

was talking to some of the workers below when he noticed Abe and a certain Women wa

could exclusively enter. But today to everyone's surprise, They watched

liberty to int

am Jack Und

ayson entertainment comp

ow yo

is Tie "Should have

t him

ss in Abe's voice made jack realize that something was up. The elevator doors op

Taking the chair he offered her she suddenly

tely used th


. "What do

That the beautiful young w



p to Laura'

t Her some water to drink

black hair white face,who wore a pretty reveling shirt and a

in a quizzical manner and from the way she regarded Laura

, was that really how

red his

s your


ura Ste

, He could feel the tail of his

lowly...watch over, her and eventually she would be his, The satisfaction and excitement that he felt from

tten comfortable. S

na, to the XI entertainment company, to sign a partnershi

Ray Boys from the Xi entertainment industry would be coming

hina but in the world, Laura was really surprised at the news. She j

to his journalist mate, all he just wanted was for her to keep talking, he watched

ug her. To have her in his arms, that wonderful yet fragil

owever she couldn't hide the fact that the compliment From such

ause it was touching her face. But that was whe

olden ring. He wondered if it was the we

was using the mind link again. (It was a w

between you two ther


and she's f**k

s ears, he knew how Abe w

response. Abe had blocked the communication. Jack However r

ime to see the Miss

relief, he rushed t

interview...Miss?" Jack asked e

ura... Laura

her own hand to rec

the question. S

w awfully

send you back to your destined loca

ady have a car though so I would be going now...Th

rced a

e having you Laura.

and walked over to his bar, picking up some wine wit

ood there st

okay? Alp

is glass of wine to the grou

n my positio

under hi

I bet she must be sitting there laughing. Just i

s used to seeing him angry ,it was an evident fact that the

" Jack tried to say as Abe glared at him. Walking ove

ve her picture...oh but if it helps she works In a certain news company called The News fountain. Great, Make sure you get all the details

ared in

you up t

ved him

not my father..no


oughts on this

s alot

s as a m

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