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Dangerous path

Chapter 3 Tracing shadows

Word Count: 773    |    Released on: 29/03/2024

at at her kitchen table, poring over Chance's last known whereabouts. Autumn and Shelly sat opposi

voice steady despite the turmoil raging within her. "He was acting stra

ping against the table in thought. Kiera closed her eyes, trying to recall the events of that fateful night. "He seemed distracted

efore her. "Did he mention anything about who he was expe

as if he didn't want to involve us in whatever was going on," she replied,

ou couldn't have known what would happen," she said, her voice gentle ye

hance's movements from the night before," she declared, her voice tinged with urgency. "We need

hoing against the pavement as they followed in Chance's footsteps. Their first stop was a local bar where Chance had been seen the night before his de

expression, as if sizing them up before deciding whether to speak. "What's his name?" he asked, his voice gruff yet tinged with curiosity."Chance," Kiera replied, her heart pounding in her chest. "He was here around closing time, talking to someone. Did you see anything unusual?"The barte

her voice trembling with anticipation.The bartender shook his head, a grim expression clouding his features. "Nah

of her stomach. Chance's behavior the night before his death was even more suspi

Chance's death. As they stepped back out into the bustling city streets, Kiera couldn't shake the feeling that they were treading on dangerous ground. Shadows lurked around every corner, concealing secrets that threatened to tear a

wn, her friends by her side, ready to face whatever chal

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