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Chapter 4 Everything's Falling apart.

Word Count: 1476    |    Released on: 28/03/2024


and knocked out all the docume

up after being late for my

elf for unfortunately collidin

easy on y

d I need to....." I stopped my mumbling after looki

st try not to get hurt by a wall nex

know my name?" I q

blushed seeing how stupid I was f

you." I

ed before further saying, "My name's Dante

I mentally face palmed mys

Avelyn." Dante smiled

nt da

ay Miss. Emerson?" I looked down at my shoes ang

mpulse to squeeze his cheeks. Every time he did it in

y saying that, looking up into his attractive silver eyes brought bac

s my personal assistant since I don't have one at the moment." Dante concluded, appearing to seek

and instead focused on his well-fitted suit. It annoyed

d. I was enraged at the fact that I was still in love with him and that he was makin

have significantly more experience as personal assistants than I do, sir. I'm perplexed as to why you chose me for the posi

iven that restructuring is necessary to lift this business back to where it was previously, restructuring an organization to increase performance is entirely

ield were fired since they were so far behind, and I could see v

lerk's job is very dissimilar

and callous one who fired people on his first day without giving them a second chance, with

tunity, along with a few others so may

nal aides were there for his and his son's own a

me business I worked for in faraway New Zealand, and hired me as his personal assistant

another country to protect our children and my own life, but here I wa

hand and noticed that there was no band on his

for fleeing? Or did he really have something hi

for the headaches my unaware bil

ringed listeni

ve to make an effort to hide my past identity

like to get started with your new responsibilities as m

package will be upgraded if deemed so by me from hence forth. If not then I'm afraid I'll h

nt and performing secretaria

editing reports, docum

taining databases,

tments, answering calls, and

ernal correspondence on b

aintaining an events calen

d faxing documents, a

heduled events and arrangin

replacements, as well as mana

usiness practice

nd accompanying me to business meetings and other activities as


me and can't escape my daily life? Or will it cause me to lose my jo

ell once more? Just drive me to unintentionally remembe

o mine like fire on ice, and I instantly stopped knowing that

can attempt to see to it that we fix the problem as soon as feasible." He spoke while cocki

was fortunate to be wearing a long sleeve shirt. Dante's unfathomable silver eyes

any other women he had slept with. I shouldn't be cons


n as their babysitter has evening school. This was what I wanted to say bu

lied. It was difficult to find a job, and learning that I could get a raise after givi

y babies when I can't get home in tim

lver eyes pierced c

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