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My Younger Student Is Mate

Chapter 4 Chapter 4: When In Doubt, Wear Red

Word Count: 1996    |    Released on: 27/03/2024


ill haunting me. I checked the time, 5:00 am. I sighed and stared at

ually deserve it

for what happened three years

nd started looking for my mate because she wanted me to wait for my him o

is a human, but what you did to him

of all my stupid decisions right now. I got up and took a shower.

eath Foretold." My eyes were glued to the book. By the time I checked the

Alexandra taught me yesterday and took off running to my class. Than

med to like the teaching method I chose. My no-h

ch was also a bookstore. Nice. Marcy was alrea

e Anna. Look at

actually did not have time to go ge

fe latte. I know it sounds simple but it i

I smiled. We got our o

e here. There are so many things I have to tell

o be here." I grinned and squeezed her

. After rogues wiped her pack she ended up li

ally?" Now that

were on a vacation in her city and she tried to steal from them. Of course, being werewolves they were n

er being as stubborn as she is... I mean was." She sighs. "refused. However, the couple

ather was the younger brother of the Beta so our families were really close. S

ave had a rough childhood." I scrat

ctually similar

go there. "I was lucky enough to be adopted by two

econd day of school? H

is a very bright boy. He pays att

nodded a

d spent the rest of the afternoon talking about books. We said ou

e different girl by the main door, or the parking lot or the lockers every single day before c

y, I had lunch with Alexandra, but she could not really hang out for too long

following three weeks. By the time I was done

ard the main entrance, I spotted my mate-to-be dry humping yet another girl by the par

problems, Anna?" I hear

g over there to talk to us simple mortals." I know I am b

sexy girl like you." He winked

th a flat tone, the phrase that I always use when he comes out with hi

e with that girl from earlier. I ha

iteboard markers in the classroom and I had forgotten mine as well. My students we

he way here to go back empty-handed because of some horny couple. I wished I had gone

let shock reflect on my face and just rolled my eyes. I walked to the box with whiteboard markers and took a pair and left the supply clos

e supply closet entered the classroom closing the door behind them

e table 3.2 and 3.3 of the book and you will be fine. We already discussed the solutions of today's worksh

ention or send us to the principal's

s. "Do you want me t

. and you... saw. You are not going

STDs suck and teen pregnanci

Caleb seemed to grow angrier and angrier at the g

o the girl. I put my hand on his ar

ate?" I chuckled. "Consider the homework I gave you your punishment. You have five minutes to get to your next class, and my students are wa

th other pack members or so said Marcy when she called me to tell me that I should spend my afternoon

hours reading my book when I clearly he

o out get some g

ld just call them, r

It is much more fun to make them think they could be the one 'to

ate and she will be the 'one to change' you

ust because I meet some girl who smells nice and shit? I

ur mate if you don't think she is

ture mate. You know what would be funny? If h

was someone older like Ms. Amores, a girl wh

at the mention of my name

Anna? My mate? Really? I would p

is hot though,

. It is funny teasing her and everything, but being loyal to her.

tter. I pulled out my cell phone and texte

ng me out to drink tonight.

at hap

t need it

l be there in

here. I calmed down enough to speed my way there, tears blurring my vision. I parked outside and broke down crying inside of my car. I just sobbed there f

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1 Chapter 1 Chapter 1: Should I Buy Perfume 2 Chapter 2 Chapter 2: Mall3 Chapter 3 Chapter 3: His Gaze Met Mine4 Chapter 4 Chapter 4: When In Doubt, Wear Red5 Chapter 5 Chapter 5: Xander the Charmer6 Chapter 6 Chapter 6: Who The F... is Oliver 7 Chapter 7 Chapter 7: About Oliver And First Dates8 Chapter 8 Chapter 8: This Is Number Seven9 Chapter 9 Chapter 9: The Favor10 Chapter 10 Chapter 10: The Deal11 Chapter 11 Chapter 11: Another Friendly Date 12 Chapter 12 Chapter 12: Cliches Do Happen...13 Chapter 13 Chapter 13: Can't Keep a Bad Boy Down14 Chapter 14 Chapter 14: Reasons15 Chapter 15 Chapter 15: The Truth16 Chapter 16 Chapter 16: The Language of Flowers17 Chapter 17 Chapter 17: Beautiful Liar18 Chapter 18 Chapter 18: Revelations - Part 119 Chapter 19 Chapter 19: Revelations - Part 220 Chapter 20 Chapter 20: Honesty21 Chapter 21 Chapter 21: A Bad Day22 Chapter 22 Chapter 22: Talk23 Chapter 23 Chapter 23: I Am Alive24 Chapter 24 Chapter 24: Threat25 Chapter 25 Chapter 25: Feelings26 Chapter 26 Chapter 26: Food And Movies27 Chapter 27 Chapter 27: Happy Music Makes Me Happy28 Chapter 28 Chapter 28: Choose Me - Part 129 Chapter 29 Chapter 29: Yellow Hyacinth (Jealousy)30 Chapter 30 Chapter 30: Chickens31 Chapter 31 Chapter 31: Dinner32 Chapter 32 Chapter 32: Photos33 Chapter 33 Chapter 32.5: Photos34 Chapter 34 Chapter 33: The Rogue35 Chapter 35 Chapter 34: Hand Over a Hoodie36 Chapter 36 Chapter 35: Her37 Chapter 37 Chapter 36: Detention38 Chapter 38 Chapter 37: Half a Second39 Chapter 39 Chapter 38: Cute40 Chapter 40 Chapter 39: More Photos41 Chapter 41 Chapter 40: Charm42 Chapter 42 Chapter 41: Treasure43 Chapter 43 Chapter 42: Party Night44 Chapter 44 Chapter 43: Saturday45 Chapter 45 Chapter 44: His Birthday46 Chapter 46 Chapter 45: Aconitum47 Chapter 47 Chapter 46: Lies48 Chapter 48 Chapter 47: Savior 49 Chapter 49 Chapter 48: Selfish50 Chapter 50 Chapter 49: Cruel51 Chapter 51 Chapter 50: I Am Sorry52 Chapter 52 Chapter 51: Enough53 Chapter 53 Chapter 52: Weaker Girl54 Chapter 54 Chapter 53: Joke55 Chapter 55 Chapter 54: The Alpha's Book of Events56 Chapter 56 Chapter 55: Anna57 Chapter 57 Chapter 56: No58 Chapter 58 Chapter 57: Poise59 Chapter 59 Chapter 58: Caleb60 Chapter 60 Chapter 59: Amanda61 Chapter 61 Chapter 60: Tea62 Chapter 62 Chapter 61: Letter63 Chapter 63 Chapter 62: The One64 Chapter 64 Chapter 63: Purpose65 Chapter 65 Chapter 64: Hero - Part 166 Chapter 66 Chapter 65: Omen67 Chapter 67 Chapter 66: Hero - Part 268 Chapter 68 Chapter 67: Healed69 Chapter 69 Chapter 68: No Comments70 Chapter 70 Chapter 69: The Trial71 Chapter 71 Chapter 70: Rumor Has It72 Chapter 72 Chapter 71: The Other-Other Side73 Chapter 73 Chapter 72: Diary74 Chapter 74 Chapter 73: Promise75 Chapter 75 Chapter 74: Friends 76 Chapter 76 Chapter 75: Traitors77 Chapter 77 Chapter 76: Traitors. Part 278 Chapter 78 Chapter 77: Help79 Chapter 79 Chapter 78: Goodbye80 Chapter 80 Chapter 79: Goodbye. Part 281 Chapter 81 Chapter 80: Alphas Meeting82 Chapter 82 Chapter 81: Please83 Chapter 83 Chapter 82: Soulmate84 Chapter 84 Chapter 83: Dazzling85 Chapter 85 Chapter 84: Dinner Talk86 Chapter 86 Chapter 85: Love You87 Chapter 87 Chapter 86: The Right Choice88 Chapter 88 Chapter 87: John Doe89 Chapter 89 Chapter 88: The Lunch90 Chapter 90 Chapter 89: The Meeting91 Chapter 91 Chapter 90: Sweet92 Chapter 92 Chapter 91: By Your Side93 Chapter 93 Chapter 92: Chloe94 Chapter 94 Chapter 93: Fight95 Chapter 95 Chapter 93: Fight - Part 296 Chapter 96 Chapter 94: Civilized Argument - Part 197 Chapter 97 Chapter 95: Civilized Argument - Part 298 Chapter 98 Chapter 96: Us99 Chapter 99 Chapter 97: Let's Start100 Chapter 100 Chapter 98: Paradise