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My Alpha Mate Is Her

Chapter 4 Chapter 4- Alpha, You're Late To School. -01

Word Count: 1003    |    Released on: 27/03/2024


nd - quiets them down immediately. We are here in the ass-crack of dawn before our normal training time even starts b

rt of a mind link that all packs have between its members, which allows them to communicate among themselves. It can also be used to p

s ahead of us. I nod back, an almost imperceptible shake of my he

ering of trees. The green blanket of leaves forms a roof over us, letting almos

ts of Ezra, David, Jonathan and Me -pause and each of us takes cover behind one of the thick tr

es hitting the dry leaves an

erstood as 'I'll do it. Back me up if anything goes wrong.' I receive three silent nods in a

ground. I peek cautiously behind the tree trunk - behind where I sense his presence - and s

ch him, catching him off-guard and making him stagger back in the force. I use his surprise as my advantage and before h

him by his neck. I push the sharp blade into his chest cleanly, killing him instantly. Blood oozes from the puncture in his body, and his dead

, meeting my Beta's eyes, "Dispose of this filthy spy," I command and make a move to go in the direction of the river. In the last seco

to leave, but David-my Delta's

nd; which he takes as his cue t

hurrying in the dir

my car to a screeching halt in the best parking space availabl

the school's prep

since rarely anyone ever accompanies me anywhere - and pull my keys off the ignition. I glance at my

to come to school ag

deserves some

open our car doors at the same time, gaining numerous whispers and looks from the kids loitering around the parking lot. I studiously ignore all of them but keep my he

ied frenzy. We both exchange contemplative looks, knowing that no one would dare question us

mments as we continue our lethargic

power, I'm just not feeling too eager today go t

ates and we exchange smiles. Or more e

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1 Chapter 1 Chapter 1 - Mine. -012 Chapter 2 Chapter 2 - Mine. -023 Chapter 3 Chapter 3 - Mine. -034 Chapter 4 Chapter 4- Alpha, You're Late To School. -015 Chapter 5 Chapter 5- Alpha, You're Late To School. -026 Chapter 6 Chapter 6- Alpha, You're Late To School. -037 Chapter 7 Chapter 7- Don't Touch What's Mine. -018 Chapter 8 Chapter 8- Don't Touch What's Mine. -029 Chapter 9 Chapter 9 - I See That Finding A Mate Has Effed With Your Head. -0110 Chapter 10 Chapter 10 - I See That Finding A Mate Has Effed With Your Head. -0211 Chapter 11 Chapter 11 - I Will Strip You Naked And Sniff Every Inch Of You. -0112 Chapter 12 Chapter 12- I Will Strip You Naked And Sniff Every Inch Of You. -0213 Chapter 13 Chapter 13 - I Don't Like Repeating Myself. -0114 Chapter 14 Chapter 14 - I Don't Like Repeating Myself. -0215 Chapter 15 Chapter 15 - That Is Your Punishment. -0116 Chapter 16 Chapter 16- That Is Your Punishment. -0217 Chapter 17 Chapter 17 - They're In A Tangle. -0118 Chapter 18 Chapter 18 - They're In A Tangle. -0219 Chapter 19 Chapter 19 - I'll Be Around Here Somewhere, Fading Into The Background. -0120 Chapter 20 Chapter 20 - I'll Be Around Here Somewhere, Fading Into The Background. -0221 Chapter 21 Chapter 21 - She Blushes. -0122 Chapter 22 Chapter 22 - She Blushes. -0223 Chapter 23 Chapter 23 - She Blushes. -0324 Chapter 24 Chapter 24 - No One Ever Calls Me Micajah. -0125 Chapter 25 Chapter 25 - No One Ever Calls Me Micajah. -0226 Chapter 26 Chapter 26 - Now The Real Game Begins. -0127 Chapter 27 Chapter 27 - Now The Real Game Begins. -0228 Chapter 28 Chapter 28 - What Were You Thinking, Seneca ! -0129 Chapter 29 Chapter 29- What Were You Thinking, Seneca ! -0230 Chapter 30 Chapter 30 - It's Official. -0131 Chapter 31 Chapter 31 - It's Official. -0232 Chapter 32 Chapter 32- For You, I'll Do Anything. -0133 Chapter 33 Chapter 33- For You, I'll Do Anything. -0234 Chapter 34 Chapter 34- For You, I'll Do Anything. -0335 Chapter 35 Chapter 35 - Sniffles And Whimpers. |Part I|-0136 Chapter 36 Chapter 36- Sniffles And Whimpers. |Part I|-0237 Chapter 37 Chapter 37 - Sniffles And Whimpers. |Part II|-0138 Chapter 38 Chapter 38 - Sniffles And Whimpers. |Part II|-0239 Chapter 39 Chapter 39 - What Are You Sorry For -0140 Chapter 40 Chapter 40 - What Are You Sorry For -0241 Chapter 41 Chapter 41 - What Are You Sorry For -0342 Chapter 42 Chapter 42 - You Love Him, -0143 Chapter 43 Chapter 43 - What Are You Sorry For -0244 Chapter 44 Chapter 44 - What Are You Sorry For -0345 Chapter 45 Chapter 46- I Truly Understand The Meaning Of The Term 'Turned On'. -0146 Chapter 46 Chapter 47- I Truly Understand The Meaning Of The Term 'Turned On'. -0247 Chapter 47 Chapter 48- I Truly Understand The Meaning Of The Term 'Turned On'. -0348 Chapter 48 Chapter 49 - Are You Trying To Kill Me Strutting Around Half-Naked -0149 Chapter 49 Chapter 50 - Are You Trying To Kill Me Strutting Around Half-Naked -0250 Chapter 50 Chapter 51 - What - How - Who - My Virgin Eyes! -0151 Chapter 51 Chapter 52 - What - How - Who - My Virgin Eyes! -0252 Chapter 52 Chapter 53 - For Such A Smart Alpha, You're So Stupid At Times. -0153 Chapter 53 Chapter 54- For Such A Smart Alpha, You're So Stupid At Times. -0254 Chapter 54 Chapter 55- Why Do You Call Me Cage -0155 Chapter 55 Chapter 56- Why Do You Call Me Cage -0256 Chapter 56 Chapter 57 - Your Thoughts Are The Dirtiest. Ever. -0157 Chapter 57 Chapter 58- Your Thoughts Are The Dirtiest. Ever. -0258 Chapter 58 Chapter 59 - Everything Is Wrong With A Guy Blushing. 59 Chapter 59 Chapter60 Chapter 60 Chapter 61- Will You Go61 Chapter 61 Chapter62 Chapter 62 Chapter 63- Maybe I Can Love After All. 63 Chapter 63 Chapter64 Chapter 64 Chapter 65 - 'The' Date. |Part I|65 Chapter 65 Chapter66 Chapter 66 Chapter 67 - 'The' Date. |Part II|67 Chapter 67 Chapter 68 - 'The' Date. |Part II|68 Chapter 68 Chapter69 Chapter 69 Chapter 70- I Know You Won't Be Needing Much Clothes Tonight. 70 Chapter 70 Chapter71 Chapter 71 Chapter 72- I'll Kill Myself Before I Leave You. 72 Chapter 72 Chapter 73- I'll Kill Myself Before I Leave You. 73 Chapter 73 Chapter74 Chapter 74 Chapter 75 - We're Making Progress. 75 Chapter 75 Chapter76 Chapter 76 Chapter 77 - You're Hot77 Chapter 77 Chapter 78 - You're Hot78 Chapter 78 Chapter79 Chapter 79 Chapter 80- I Will Gladly Go Down To Make You Smile Like That My Friend. -0280 Chapter 80 Chapter 81 - Make The Damn Move Micajah. -0181 Chapter 81 Chapter 82 - Make The Damn Move Micajah. -0282 Chapter 82 Chapter 82 - Make The Damn Move Micajah. -0283 Chapter 83 Chapter 83- What Part Of I Fucking Love You Don't You Understand -0184 Chapter 84 Chapter 84- What Part Of I Fucking Love You Don't You Understand -0285 Chapter 85 Chapter 85 - Did You Just Call Me 'Senpai' -0186 Chapter 86 Chapter 86- Did You Just Call Me 'Senpai' -0287 Chapter 87 Chapter 87- Did You Just Call Me 'Senpai' -0388 Chapter 88 Chapter 88 - A Horny Alpha, Closed Doors & Poor Lil' Me In The Same Equation. -0189 Chapter 89 Chapter 89 - A Horny Alpha, Closed Doors & Poor Lil' Me In The Same Equation. -0290 Chapter 90 Chapter 90 - With Our Alpha Libido I Think We Can Go Up To Round Twelve. -0191 Chapter 91 Chapter 91- With Our Alpha Libido I Think We Can Go Up To Round Twelve. -0292 Chapter 92 Chapter 92- With Our Alpha Libido I Think We Can Go Up To Round Twelve. -0393 Chapter 93 Chapter 93 - I Plan To Make You Flustered In A Whole Different Way. -0194 Chapter 94 Chapter 94- I Plan To Make You Flustered In A Whole Different Way. -0295 Chapter 95 Chapter 95- I Plan To Make You Flustered In A Whole Different Way. -0396 Chapter 96 Chapter 96 - Playing The Martyr Now -0197 Chapter 97 Chapter 97 - Playing The Martyr Now -0298 Chapter 98 Chapter 98 - I Was In Love With You. -0199 Chapter 99 Chapter 99- I Was In Love With You. -02100 Chapter 100 Chapter 100 - We'll Egg Daemon's Bugatti, -01